Student Organizations

Get Involved!

Viterbo University's student organizations and sports clubs serve as an added educational resource to students, giving them experiences related to their classes and providing a variety of activities to supplement and balance their lives. Involvement in a group that helps to explore interests can be a source of developing skills, learning more about the many facets of a particular area, experiencing the interplay of working with others, and assuming leadership roles. Get involved in one of the 40 plus student organizations or sport clubs.

Courytard Carni Plant Sale table.jpg
Plant Sale table at Courtyard Carni
Student Boards, Associations, and Councils

Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student-led organization composed of resident students with a goal of improving residence life on campus. It provides an opportunity and means for self-expression and self-government by and for the residence hall/apartment/theme house students. RHA is democratic in its function and effective in its action. The organization shares responsibility for the formulation, recommendation, and review of the policies concerning residence life. RHA also provides recommendations for campus dining. We strive to enrich the lives of students and to help them feel comfortable in the university community. RHA is the perfect way for residents to be heard and to get action taken. There are also outstanding leadership options with RHA, including annual conferences.

Advisor: Hannah Dickman

Student Government Association

Student Government Association (SGA) It is the mission of the Viterbo University SGA to represent and advocate for Viterbo students. The SGA works to improve campus life for students, bridge communication between students and the university, ensure appropriate use of student activity fee monies, and strengthen student organizations. SGA is an elected board of students.

Advisor: Kirsten Gabriel

Student Publications

El Sol

El Sol is a student-led and written Spanish newspaper that serves the Spanish speaking community within the tristate region. We provide articles on news, opinions, arts, education, community, sports, and entertainment.

Advisors: Jesús Jambrina, Michelle Pinzl


Lumen is the Viterbo student newspaper. Its purpose is to provide communication among members of the Viterbo community. Included are impartial reports on campus events and other information of interest to the community. Lumen stimulates thinking, serves as a forum for opposing views on issues, and shows the relationship of the campus to city, national, and world events. 

Advisor: Alexander Ashland


Touchstone is the Viterbo University's literary art magazine, providing Viterbo students an outlet for publication of prose, poetry, and art, as well the learning experience and freedom of selecting pieces and preparing the layout and design of a magazine.

Literary Advisor: Vincent James
Art Advisor: Kira Peters

Student Clubs & Orgs

With over 40 plus active student groups on campus, there is always something going on! From fiber arts to nursing, theatre to marketing, there is a little something for everyone. For a full list of active student clubs and organizations on campus, visit the Student Clubs & Organizations Descriptions page.

Start Your Own Student Organization
1. Brainstorm

Come up with an idea, or maybe you already have one; organizations are started for social, recreational, academic, current issue/hot topic, etc. purposes. All organizations must be started by students.


2. Build your club

Find at least three friends who are also interested in your organization (must be currently enrolled students at Viterbo). Membership must also be open to any Viterbo student. Find an advisor who supports your idea and is a Viterbo faculty or staff member. 


3. Review the Handbook

Review the Student Organization and Sports Club Handbook. The most updated version is on our Sharepoint which requires Viterbo log-in. You must do so before you submit your application.

Questions? Contact Colin Burns-Gilbert, Director of Orientation and Engagement.


4. Apply

Complete the Application for Student Organization Status. To prepare for the application, have your materials ready:

  1. Create your organization's by-laws (constitution), club leadership team, and mission statement and submit them via the Application for Student Organization Status linked above.
  2. Correspond in person or through email with campus activities or recreational sports regarding any additional training that needs to be completed. A meeting will most likely be requested.
  3. Once your application has been processed, the Office of the Vice President of Student Life will mail you an official status letter. If you are interested in obtaining funding to support your new club or organization, you can reach out to the Student Government Association (SGA) at  

If at any time you have questions throughout the start up process, contact Colin Burns-Gilbert (student organizations) or Amanda Meyer (sport clubs).

All University Recognized Organizations Receive These Benefits

  • Maintaining an account with the Viterbo University Business Office. This also allows your organization to use the Viterbo tax exempt status on purchases—saving your group money.
  • Requesting funds from SGA to support activities.
  • Reserving and using Viterbo University facilities for meetings and events.

  • Promoting meetings and activities through Viterbo communications.

  • Promoting your organization through the website and the Student Life offices and departments.

  • Receiving invitations to roundtables and the fairs.

Student Group Travel

For students who wish to travel with a student club or organization, a travel request form must be submitted and approved at least two weeks in advance of the trip. Approval is granted by the Director of Orientation and Engagement (student clubs/orgs) and the Director of Campus Recreation, Engagement, and Wellbeing (CREW) (sports clubs).

Information and forms regarding student travel can be found on the Travel Policy and Resources webpage.

Status and Funding

Viterbo University student organizations help promote the mission of the university and provide service opportunities that are valuable for a student's life and work. Involvement in a group that helps to explore interests can be a source of developing skills, learning more about the many facets of a particular area, experiencing the interplay of working with others, and assuming leadership roles. Student organizations at Viterbo are expected to meet several criteria for recognition as university groups. Recognition by the Student Government and Vice President for Student Development brings a number of benefits for the group. 

For more information regarding student club and organization status, visit the Status and Funding page.