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Scott Gabriel

Faculty Focus: Q&A with Scott Gabriel

Working with students is the most rewarding aspect of biochemistry professor Scott Gabriel’s career. That was the reason his being named Viterbo Teacher of the Year at the university’s annual 2023 Rose Awards ceremony was such an honor.
Zach Johnson

Zach Johnson Feels Most at Home Helping the Unsheltered

Living in Place of Grace as a Viterbo student and serving as its house coordinator put Zach Johnson on his life mission, a journey that has included serving multiple roles helping the homeless population in Minneapolis. He's served as program coordinator for Minnesota's largest homeless shelter, and he's worked one-on-one with people who have been unsheltered for years.
Michael Quam

Michael Quam Enlists His Gifts to Serve People with Struggles

Michael Quam worked in the banking industry, where he had a gift as a manager for improving the workplace culture. This year, he took on the task of leading fundraising efforts for the La Crosse Salvation Army, a job in which he feels like he can really make a difference in the lives of people who are struggling.