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Viterbo simulation lab

Rx for Success: Health Sciences Expansion Vital for Viterbo

New health science degrees and certificates—in nursing and beyond—as well as innovative enhancements in established programs that are responsive to the needs of employers and the labor market will play a vital role in keeping Viterbo strong for decades to come.
Deb Schams

Educator Debra Schams Thankful for Viterbo Mentor

Education major Debra (Kelly) Schams '81 was honored with a Viterbo Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 1989, the same year an alumni award for global community service was given to Thea Bowman, FSPA '65. Schams was a much-loved teacher in La Crosse's Aquinas Catholic Schools until her recent retirement.
Shane Peper

Shane Peper's Path Winds from Viterbo to INTERPOL

Biology/chemistry major Shane Peper '98 had a doctoral degree in analytical chemistry by the time he was honored with a Viterbo Young Alumni Award in 2004. Much of his career, which took him all over the world, was spent in nuclear research and security, but he also delved into molecular pathology as a researcher and educator. He's now on assignment in France doing nuclear security work for INTERPOL.
Halloween books from the library's children's collection

Did You Know the Library Has a Children's Collection?

The library has a great Children's Collection! Located at the end of the hallway, next to the mural, we have story books all the way up to young adult titles. Bring your little ghouls and goblins in to find some fun Halloween reads!

FSPA Affiliation Work Pulls Michael Krueger Back into Viterbo Orbit

Ministry major Michael Krueger '10, '15, was honored with a Young Alumni Award in 2013 while he was in the process of earning his Master of Arts in Servant Leadership degree. He worked in residential facilities for adults with developmental disabilities, as a social worker, and as a stay-at-home father before landing in his current role as director of affiliation for the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.