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Faculty, Did You Know?

Welcome back to campus faculty members! Did you know that the library offers instruction sessions and tours for your classes?
Jim Loomis

Jim Loomis ’80 Honors Viterbo and Sr. Thea’s Legacy

As a Viterbo student, Jim Loomis ’80 formed a deep friendship with Thea Bowman, FSPA ’65. To honor her, he created an endowed fellowship in her name to keep her memory and legacy alive, one last example of the generosity for which he was known.
Josh Court, director of La Crosse SOUP

Josh Court ’12 Tasting Success as SOUP’s Head Chef

A longtime social worker, Josh Court ’12 came to Viterbo for an MBA as he was drawn to take on leadership. In addition to his work at Gundersen Health System, he serves as director of La Crosse SOUP, an organization that crowdfunds community projects.
Barbara Quillin

2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Winner Barbara Quillin

Barbara Quillin and her late husband, Phil, were honored by Viterbo University in 2014 with the St. John XXIII Award, the university’s highest non-academic honor, in recognition of the impact their philanthropy has had on the community. This year, she is being recognized for her impact at Viterbo in particular.