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Viterbo trip to Thailand

Viterbo Adds Thailand to Global Programs

For Viterbo nursing students and faculty members, a journey of 8,236 miles and countless moments of awe and discovery began with a single step … taken four years ago by Lin Rauch.
Debra Murray

Deb Murray Looks Back on Viterbo Journey

Debra Murray '90, the driving force behind Viterbo's mental health counseling master's and doctoral degree programs, is retiring after nearly 30 years here, but she's not done helping those who most need it.
Amy Schmidt

As new CFO, Amy Schmidt Is Right at Home

When Amy Schmidt '11 returns to Viterbo as the new vice president for finance and administration, campus will feel very much like home. She earned an MBA here, and her husband and fellow alumnus, Eric Schmidt '08, '17, is a long-time employee.
Lana Yeakel

Adventure Awaits Nursing Graduate Lana Yeakel

Graduation is an exciting time, as seniors get ready to begin their careers. That’s especially true for Viterbo nursing major and spring 2023 undergraduate commencement speaker Lana Yeakel, for whom an adventure of sorts awaits.

Viterbo University Names Two New Deans

Viterbo University has named Megan Smith as dean of the College of Nursing and Health and Michael Alfieri as dean of the College of Engineering, Letters, and Sciences.