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Ta Her

Ta Her Brings Unique Perspective to Thailand Trip

Ta Her ’19 has had a remarkable journey, from growing up in a poor family in Laos to being on the brink of earning her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Viterbo and becoming a nurse practitioner. A journey this summer for a VUSM class helped put her life’s path into a new perspective.
 Text saying Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month

While not a nationally recognized month, Disability Pride Month has been celebrated in July since 1990.  The first coincided with the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act on July 29, 1990.  Disability Pride Month is not only an event that celebrates people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, it is also about drawing attention to the fight for disability representation and equal rights.
Marcia Taddy

Staff Focus: Q&A with Marcia Taddy

Viterbo's new cross country head coach Marcia Taddy has always had a strong competitive side in running as well as a passion for coaching and teaching in higher education.
Tammy Gilkes

For Tammy Gilkes, Listening to Students is Job One

In her new position as first- and second-year experience coordinator in Viterbo’s student life division, talking (and listening) to students is a huge part of Tammy Gilkes' job. In a nutshell, Gilkes is on a mission to ensure that Viterbo students get the most out of their first two years of college.
Havin Rehwinkel

Viterbo Food Service Director Havin Rehwinkel Does It for 'the Kids'

As Viterbo's food service director, Havin Rehwinkel strives to be responsive to student needs, instituting changes that give students more flexibility in meal plans, cafeteria hours, and food choices. “If there’s something special, they can just go ahead and ask,” he said. “We treat the kitchen as if it belongs to the students."