At Viterbo, we recognize that it takes a village to help your student become the best they can be. The following individuals are here to serve as resources and sources of referral for you and your student. Do not hesitate to contact one of us if you have questions or concerns throughout your student’s time at Viterbo. We are here to partner with you on your student’s success. If you need immediate or after-hours assistance, you can reach the on-duty campus safety officer(s) 24/7/365 at 608-796-3911. Parents and families (and their students) are also welcome to submit Viterbo Speaks Up forms to share concerns.

Emilio Alvarez, director, campus ministry
Emilio Alvarez holds responsibility for coordination and promotion of worship, formation, and service opportunities to Viterbo University students and employees. He assists and coordinates Sunday and weekday Masses, all San Damiano community events and special liturgical celebrations of the university, student retreats, student food pantry, and weekly activities including worship, social, bible studies, and hospitality programs for students.

Amber Weber, RN, coordinator, health services
Health services provides numerous resources and services for students, including treatment of minor illness and injuries, referrals to local health care providers as needed, immunizations, lab tests, and medication dispensation. Services are provided by our full-time, 10-month registered nurse on Murphy Center 3rd Floor.

Ryan Russell, director, Academic Resource Center, TRIO
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides support services as students move forward in their academic courses. 93% of students used ARC services last year. Tutoring is provided in any course requested. Workshops, testing accommodations and placement testing are ARC services. The TRIO/SSS program provides outreach and support for first generation students. The ARC staff are academic advisors for the SSS scholars and help them choose courses, look at majors and partner with them in their academic success.

Kirsten Gabriel, vice president for student life and dean of students
Kirsten Gabriel holds responsibility for oversight of the Division of Student Life, parent and family communication and student conduct. Kirsten also collaborates with other campus leaders regarding the University's strategic plan, emergency response planning and crisis communication, and the University CARE (Campus Assessment, Referral, and Education) team.

Kevin Ganther, director, student billing
The business office is responsible for managing students' accounts, administering personnel and payroll services, purchasing goods and services, and managing the university financial operations. The office also assists students with billing services, payment receipts, enrollment confirmation, refund check processing, and IRS 1098-T reporting.

Aly Graef, director, campus safety and security
Campus safety is here to provide a safe campus environment by protecting lives and property, helping prevent crime and disorder, leading our emergency preparedness and response, and offering training on many safety-related issues and concerns. A trained Viterbo University campus safety staff member is on duty 24/7/365 to patrol campus and respond to calls and emergencies.

Justin McKnight, director, counseling and health services
Viterbo University’s counseling and health services strives to provide effective and supportive mental and physical health services that are accessible to all students enrolled in courses at Viterbo. We believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment to promote intellectual and emotional growth, and foster personal and social learning and development. Services are free to all Viterbo University students. In addition to scheduled appointments, Counseling Services provides walk-in hours are available each week day.

Alyssa Gostonczik, director, advising and career development, and accessibility services
Viterbo University is committed to helping students be successful academically and socially. From registration to internships to graduation, Advising and Career Development is here to support students throughout their time at Viterbo by advising first-year and second-year students, providing registration and major/minor selection assistance, academic and career support , assisting and supporting internships, advising resume development, and much more. Accommodations for students with a diagnosis are coordinated through the Accessibility Services.

Marci Iverson, compliance and Title IX coordinator
To promote its mission and values, Viterbo University is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students and employees and to ensuring that its programs, activities, and operations are free from discrimination and harassment in accordance with the University's Title IX Prohibition and Sexual Harassment policy and operations.