Welcome to the Viterbo Family
We're only a month away from the start of your student's new adventure at Viterbo. Students are receiving orientation newsletters (the first edition was sent July 9 and the second edition was sent today) in preparation for their big move. We want you to be in the loop, too, now and throughout your student's time here.
You can expect to receive Viterbo newsletters monthly, with other emails sent as needed to ensure you are fully informed about important campus developments.
In the weeks before our Aug. 22 move-in and the start of your student's Viterbo orientation, there are some things all students need to do to prepare. We want you to know about the process so you can be aware of all the vital steps to becoming a V-Hawk and help them as needed.
In this edition we'll touch on the following topics:
►Required health-related forms
►Mandatory online training (alcohol, drugs, and sexual violence)
►Housing and move-in information
►Financial matters and more
Your next newsletter will come in mid-August. Meanwhile, email us at vhawkfamilies@viterbo.edu or call the student life office at 608-796-3841 if you have questions or concerns, You also can find a wealth of information on our Parents and Families webpages.
In gratitude,

Kirsten Gabriel
Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Murphy Center, Room 226
Email us
Important Dates
►Aug. 1: First day to charge books at bookstore
►Aug. 7: Advance care planning webinar
►Aug. 22: Move-in day for first-year students
►Aug. 22-25: V-Hawk Orientation Days
►Aug. 23: Deadline to confirm fall semester enrollment
►Aug. 23-25: Returning student move-in dates
►Aug. 26: First day of classes
►Aug. 29: Welcome Back Bash
►Aug. 30: Sunset Mississippi River cruise on the La Crosse Queen
►Sept. 14: Family Day
Documentation of Immunizations Needed
Required student immunizations include two doses of MMR and a booster dose of tetanus-diphtheria (Td) within the past 10 years. Polio and hepatitis B immunizations are required for students in clinical health-related studies, but are also highly recommended for all students.
Meningococcal (meningitis) A and B vaccines also are highly recommended.
Email health services with any questions. |
Online Courses Aim to Help Ensure Safe Behavior
Viterbo University requires first-year and transfer students to successfully complete training courses on alcohol, drugs, and sexual violence before moving on campus or by Thursday, Aug. 22, whichever comes first.
Viterbo University works with Vector Solutions to provide online training as part of new student onboarding. The goal of the training is to increase students’ knowledge, decrease harmful behaviors, and provide information to help students make good decisions.
Students may email Bridget Baumeister or call 608-796-3841, with any questions about training deadlines or other Viterbo-specific issues.
Planning Makes Emergency Care Decisions Easier
Denise Nicholson and Kim Johnson, managers of advance care planning programs at Gundersen Health System and Mayo Clinic Health System, respectively, will conduct a webinar starting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7, covering the basics of advance care directives and why they're important for college students.
Your student will get an invitation to the webinar, titled College Advance Care Planning: Your Voice, Your Choice—Who Will Speak If You Can't? You are more than welcome to join in the webinar, too.
The webinar will cover:
►Definition of advance care directive for power of attorney for health care
►Selection of health care agent
►The importance of completing paperwork prior to starting college
►Options on next steps in paperwork completion
Online registration by Aug. 3 is requested.
Plan Ahead for a Smooth Move-in Day
Most first-year students will move into their campus housing on Thursday, Aug. 22. Some student-athletes, though, will move in earlier, and they should be getting help from their coaches to ensure that goes smoothly.
On Aug. 22, move-in will occur between 8–11:30 a.m., giving you and your student plenty of time to settle in before orientation activities. When you arrive, follow the signs to Franciscan Way, where you and your student will find the check-in station. From there, we will give further instructions on where to go to unload your vehicle. Our move-in volunteers will be ready to unload your vehicle, so please be sure to mark all items with your student’s building and room number.
Your student has received further information regarding what to and what not to bring, but don't hesitate to reach out with questions.
If your student wants to rent a loft, order it online by Aug. 1 to guarantee the loft is in your student’s room on move-in day. Refrigerator rentals are also available for $75 per year.
BILLING: Student bills for fall semester 2024 will be processed on Aug. 1, after which students can log into their account on the VitNet Self Service page.
PRIVACY: If you want access to your student's financial and academic information, you will want to talk with them about that. Getting that access if they are 18 requires them to fill out a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) release. Check out our FERPA page for more details.
SAFETY FIRST: Viterbo is committed to keeping our students safe. That's why we belong to the La Crosse Tri-Campus Alliance, joining forces with the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and Western Technical College to promote best practices to protect our students. The summer alliance newsletter offers great ideas for everybody, not just students.
HELPFUL HINTS: Sending a child off to college can be an emotional ordeal, but it doesn't have to be. A lot of parents have done it before and we can all learn from their experiences. One website that offers a lot of wisdom is Grown & Flown.
CONNECT: Join the Official Viterbo University Parents Group on Facebook, which can offer valuable insights from members whose students have been on campus in past years.
ENTERTAINMENT: Check out the wide variety of arts and artists coming to Viterbo's stages, from student theatre productions of Sweeney Todd and The SpongeBob Musical to comedians Paula Poundstone, Nurse Blake, and Atsuko Okatsuka to musical acts including Gavin DeGraw, Little River Band, and tributes to Cher, Chicago, The Carpenters, Billy Joel, and Elton John.
NEWS: Keep up with campus happenings and stories about the Viterbo family on our Viterbo in the News page.
Viterbo University got its start 130 years ago, founded by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in 1890 as St. Rose Normal School. It was renamed Viterbo College in 1937 as plans were in the works for constructing the building now known as Murphy Center, achieving university status in 2000.
Stay in Touch — Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date with Viterbo
Email us | 608-796-3841
Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI, 54601