Graduate Education Admissions Criteria

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Graduate education offers a variety of add-on licensures and degrees to advance your career as an educator.  The University offers two master's one for licensed teachers and another for those seeking an initial teacher licensure with a bachelor's in another discipline.  The Master of Arts in Education is designed to be coupled with a certificate, licensure, or endorsement program. Students may also elect to pursue simply an add-on licensure or a certificate program. If you are looking to take only a class or two for professional development you may petition to take up to six hours as a student-at-large (a non-degree or program-seeking student).  

The Master of Arts in Teaching program is specifically for those with a bachelor's degree who are seeking a career as an educator.  The program couples the requirements for your initial licensure with your master's allowing you to save time and maximize your resources.  

Candidates for Superintendent may pair the license with a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) in Ethical Leadership, or complete the licensure independently.  

Course Delivery 

Online programs:  

  • Master of Arts in Education (the last course requires a four-day residency that culminates with commencement)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching  - Initial Teacher Licensure program (post-bachelors)
  • Cross-categorical Special Education (WI 801)
  • Innovative Teacher Leadership and Instructional Coaching certificate (national)
  • Reading Teacher (WI 1316)
  • Reading Specialist (WI 5017)
  • Post-Baccalaureate - Initial Teaching Licenses
  • Principal (IA 189)

Blended Programs (online work with required face-to-face or online synchronous meeting dates)

  • Principal (Wisconsin 5051)
  • Principal (Iowa 189)
  • Director of Instruction (WI 5010)
  • Director of Special Education and Pupil Services (WI 5080)
  • School Business Administrator (WI 5008)
  • Superintendent (WI 5003)
  • Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership with Superintendent (WI 5003)

Locations for the Educational Leadership* programs:  

  • West Des Moines, IA 
  • Viterbo University-Main Campus
  • Green Bay, WI
  • Middleton, WI
  • Tomahawk, WI
  • Virtual Live Instruction Options

* Note: Not all education leadership licensure programs are offered at each location.  All locations offer programs based on interest level, please see "Dates and Deadlines/Graduate Admission Important Dates" for more information regarding the semesters in which we enroll students in each program and location.   

Creating and Completing Your Application

Creating your Application Account

  1. Select the Graduate Programs Application
  • Creating your Applicant Account (or log in if already have an account – skip to Step 3):
    1. Entry Term:  (select entry term)
    2. Academic Area:
      • Master’s or Licensure Only selectGraduate Education – Wisconsin or Iowa
      • Doctoral (with or without Superintendent) select:  Graduate Leadership
    3. Academic Program: (select appropriate level and program)
      • Doctoral degree selectEd.D. in Ethical Leadership with Superintendent (WI 5003). Note, if you possess the Superintendent license already apply to the Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership, do not select "with Superintendent" as you already have this license complete. 
      • Master’s degree select:  Master of Arts in Education  – WI or IA (with your emphasis/licensure/certificate of interest)
      • Licensure or Certificate programs only select:  Graduate Education (with your licensure or certificate of interest)
    4. Academic Level: Graduate
    5. Admit Type: (select appropriate level and program)
      • Doctoral and Master's degree select:  Graduate Degree Seeking Program 
      • Licensure or Certificate programs only select:  Graduate Non-degree Program
  1. Create your Password  

Completing your Application

Welcome to the application process!  Please plan for about 30 minutes to complete your application without the required supplemental items.  Once you submit the application form you will be directed to log back in to submit the additional required (supplemental) application documents (e.g. essays, resume, proof of licensure, etc.)

Section 1:  Student Information

Section 2:  Demographics
Section 3:  Enrollment Information
  • Entry Term:  (select entry term)
    • Academic Area:
      • Master’s or Licensure Only selectGraduate Education – Wisconsin or Iowa
      • Doctoral (with or without Superintendent) select:  Graduate Leadership
    • Academic Program: (select appropriate level and program)
      • Doctoral degree candidates selectEd.D. in Ethical Leadership with Superintendent (WI 5003). Note, if you possess the Superintendent license already apply to the Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership, do not select "with Superintendent" as you already have this license complete. 
      • Master’s degree candidates select:  Master of Arts in Education  – WI or IA (with your emphasis/licensure/certificate of interest) OR Master of Arts in Teaching (select the appropriate licensure area - elementary, cross-categorical special education, or secondary content area).
      • Licensure or Certificate candidates only select:  Graduate Education (with your licensure or certificate of interest)
    • Location:  (select the appropriate location)
    • Admit Type: (select appropriate level and program)
      • Doctoral and Master’s degrees select:  Graduate Degree Seeking
      • Licensure or Certificate programs only select:  Graduate non-degree
    • Teaching Experience
    • Certifications
Section 4:  Academics
  • Must list all degree-granting institution(s)

(Do not include institutions where you did NOT earn a degree unless you are transferring in credits from these schools. Type in the school name then select “search” to find each College/University)

Section 5:  Employment Information: 
  • List only Teaching experience(s)

Section 6:  Signature
  • Sign and date
  • Submit Application
  • If an error pops up, simply click on the error item and correct it, then SUBMIT again.
  • Log Out
  • Log back in and click on the word "View" under "Action Required" then click on "Supplemental Items" to complete the additional required documents to complete your application. 
M.A. Education | Ed.D. Ethical Leadership | Application Documents

    After you submit your application, you will be able to complete the required supplemental documents listed below.  You will find these documents in the supplemental item section of the application portal.  You cannot get to the supplemental item section until you have "hit submit" on your application for admission.  

    M.A. in Education & Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership program applicants must submit the following documents: 
    • All official transcripts from degree-granting institutions
    • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office Disclosure form)
    • Teacher/Educator License (a copy)*
    • Essay 
    • Background Check** (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice)
    • Letters of Recommendation
      • Ed.D. candidates must submit two (2) letters of recommendation
      • MA candidates pairing the degree with the Principal, Director of Instruction, or Director of Special Education and Pupil Services license must submit  one (1) recommendation from their current administrator
    • GPA Statement required for candidates with a GPA below 3.0 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA  or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)

    *Note:  The Innovative Teacher Leadership and Instructional Coaching Certificate is open to educators from a variety of professional settings outside of K-12 education and therefore does not require a license to enroll.  

    ** Background check is only required only for those who are combining a Wisconsin licensure program with the M.A. in Education in Wisconsin as part of the Department of Public Instruction 


    If you wish to take only a few graduate credits for professional growth and do not wish to enroll in a certificate or degree program please contact Graduate Admissions at 


    Licensure and Certificate Application Documents

    After you submit your application, you will be able to complete the required supplemental documents listed below.  You will find these documents in the supplemental item section of the application portal.  You cannot get to the supplemental item section until you have "hit submit" on your application for admission.  

    Teacher Licensure and Certificates (Add-on):
    • All Official Transcripts from degree-granting institutions
    • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office form)
    • Teacher/Educator License (a copy)*
    • Background Check (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice)
    • GPA Statement required for candidates with a GPA below 2.75 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)

    *Note:  The Innovative Teacher Leadership and Instructional Coaching Certificate is open to educators from a variety of professional settings outside of K-12 education and therefore does not require a license to enroll.  

      Reading Specialist (5017):

      Applicants to the Reading Specialist (17) add-on licensure-only path must hold a Master's degree and possess or be in the process of receiving the Reading Teach 316 licensure at the time of application.   

      • All official transcripts from degree-granting institutions
      • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office form)
      • Teacher/Educator License (a copy)*
      • Background Check (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice)
      • GPA  Essay Statement required for candidates with a master's GPA below 3.0 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA  or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)
      Educational Leadership Licensures:

      Applicants to the Educational Leadership licensures-only paths must hold a master's degree.  Otherwise, these programs can be completed as part of the M.A. in Education (please refer to the M.A. in Education for requirements below, if applicable).

      • All official transcripts from degree-granting institutions
      • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office form)
      • Teacher/Educator License (a copy)
      • One letter of recommendation from your administrator. 
      • Essay (only required for applicants to the Iowa Principal 189)
      • Background Check (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice - Wisconsin licensure applicants only)
      • GPA Essay Statement required for candidates with a master's degree GPA below 3.0 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)
      Superintendent Licensure:

      Applicants to the Superintendent Licensure must possess a Master's degree and hold a current Principal license. 

      • All official transcripts from degree-granting institutions
      • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office form)
      • Teacher/Educator License (a copy)
      • One letter of recommendation from your administrator
      • Background Check (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice - Wisconsin Licensure applicants only)
      • GPA Essay Statement required for candidates with a master's or doctoral GPA below 3.0 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)

      If you wish to take only a few graduate credits for professional growth and do not wish to enroll in a certificate or degree program please contact Graduate Admissions at 

      M.A. in Teaching (Initial Teacher Licensure)

      After you submit your application, you will be able to complete the required supplemental documents listed below.  You will find these documents in the supplemental item section of the application portal.  You cannot get to the supplemental item section until you have "hit submit" on your application for admission.  

      MA in Teaching - Initial Teacher Licensure (Post-Baccalaureate) 

      • All Official Transcripts from degree-granting institutions
      • Transcripts from institutions where you have earned other applicable credits for the program (e.g. courses in your content area of interest)
      • Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (Viterbo University's Business Office form)
      • Essay (formal two-page essay using APA style ) addressing "Why you would like to be a teacher"
      • Teacher License (submit a copy only if you have a Substitute or Emergency license
      • Background Check** (submit an updated copy from the Wisconsin Department of Justice)
      • GPA Statement required for candidates with a GPA below 3.0 (space may also be used to describe other scenarios that impacted GPA  or lower GPAs at non-degree-granting institutions)


      Master of Arts in Education Essay

        The Master of Arts in Education program (required for all emphasis/licensures except Iowa Principal see essay below) must also submit a formal essay clearly and concisely addressing the Reflection on Philosophy of Education question noted below. Please use APA format, two pages, double spaced. 

        Reflection on Philosophy of Education Essay

        Understanding how philosophy and education are interrelated is important.  Effective teachers continuously reflect upon beliefs and biases that influence instructional practices and engagement in the community. Continuing to develop and refine your own educational philosophy is a key component in the journey in becoming a master educator. 

         Please clearly articulate your philosophy of education and how that philosophy is evident in your instructional practices and engagement with community and families. 

        Detailed instructions regarding the format and the specific topics/questions you must address are found below and under the M.A. in Education, Resources section of the website. Please, upload only ONE document – combine all three questions into one PDF or Word document)


        Writing Guidelines for the MA in Education Application for Admissions Essays


        Rubric for Assessment - Reflection on Philosophy of Education

        Iowa - Principal & MAE with Principal

        The Iowa Educational Leadership program of Principal (189) and the MA in Education with Principal (189) licensure will submit an essay addressing the following statement.  Please, keep the essay to a maximum of three-pages, double-spaced, typed writing sample addressing the following components. Delineate each of the three sections in your response.

        a) your personal and professional philosophy of education

        b) the role of an educational instructional leader, and

        c) a description of related teaching, work, and leadership experience(s).

        Please submit the essay to your application via the application portal( less than <font color="red"><i>5MB</i></font> in size) the file using the Choose File button.  Or, you can email the writing sample to Graduate Education Iowa at Viterbo University at


        MA in Teaching Essay

        The MA in Teaching leading to Initial Teacher Licensure (Post-Baccalaureate) program (required for all license areas) must also submit a formal essay answering the following question in approximately two pages, double-spaced, in a formal essay format. 

        •   Why would you like to become a teacher?

        GPA Below a 3.0 Statement

        Any Graduate Education candidate with a cumulative GPA below 3.0* (for their most recent degree) is required to submit an additional essay statement addressing the following question, again please write this within a maximum of two pages and double spaced.

        Teacher education graduate students should identify previous academic or personal barriers and academic challenges. Therefore, consider your current study techniques and available supports that will help you complete the program.  Please share any academic challenges and the actions you took to address these challenges. Also, reflect on any life changes and personal or professional growth. Finally, what will you do now, should you experience academic or personal challenges? Keep in mind that it is necessary to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to complete this program.

        1. Please reflect on your undergraduate or most recent academic experience. What factors impacted your academic experiences? What actions did you take to minimize these barriers or challenges? 

        1. Please reflect on your current personal and professional life. What barriers or challenges do you predict may impact your academic performance, and what techniques or supports you will use to help you succeed? 

        * Add-on Reading Teacher or Cross-categorical Special Education licensure applicants, or Innovative Teacher Leadership Certificate students should submit a statement if their most recent degree GPA is below a 2.75. 

        Submitting Documents


        Official transcript(s) evidencing baccalaureate and master’s degree (if applicable) from an accredited, degree-granting institution. Faxed, emailed, or hand-delivered transcripts are not accepted. 

        Transcripts must be requested and sent directly from the institution electronically ( or via mail:

        Enrollment Operations
        Viterbo University
        900 Viterbo Dr.
        La Crosse, WI 54601

        Viterbo University also accepts electronic transcripts from Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, and Credentials Solutions. Please select “Office of Admission – Traditional Programs” as your destination, if given more than one option when ordering electronic transcripts.

        Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

        Please carefully read, and sign, the Viterbo University Student Financial Responsibility Agreement regarding billing, late fees, the refund policy, and electronic signature approval.

        The link to complete the online form will be available on your supplemental items list inside your application portal, after the application is submitted.

        Teacher/Educator License(s)

        Please upload a copy of your current teacher and or administrator licenses, you may also print a PDF directly from your State’s Department of Instruction/Education website.

        Letters of Recommendation

        One letter of recommendation is required for application and consideration to the Educational Leadership programs.  You should select a current academic administrator who can speak to your leadership potential and academic potential at the graduate level.  Please complete the recommendation request form on the supplemental items page in your application portal and an email notification will be sent to your recommender.

        • Licensures:  Principal, Director of Instruction, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, and Superintendent
        • M.A. in Education with the following specializations:  Principal, Director of Instruction, and Director of Special Education and Pupil Services

        Background Check

        Applicants to all Graduate Education Add-on licensure programs are required to submit an updated background check at the time of application as part of the admissions process. 

        Please visit the Wisconsin Department of Justice for a current copy of your background and submit it as part of your supplemental documents.