Graduate Admissions Events
Travel Calendar - Conferences and Graduate/Career Fairs

Upcoming events!

Graduate Fairs & Conferences

Watch for Viterbo to attend again this year. 
Graduate School Fairs
  • University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Internship and Career Fair—Fall and Spring
  • Luther College Graduate School Fair—Fall
  • St. Mary's University in Minnesota Career and Internship Fair | October TBA | St. Mary's University | Winona, MN
Education Conferences | Past Events
  • WONL—Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders  | September 27-29 | Green Bay Convention Center | Green Bay

  • Northern Illinois Pain Resource Nurse Consortium | November 1, 2023 | Radisson | Rockford, IL

  • WIANAWisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetistsfall and spring education meetings

  • MONLMinnesota Organization of Nurse Leaders—spring conference

  • APRN Pharmacology and Clinical Update—annual update




Business (MBA | MBA (HCL) | Certificate)

Accepting applications

January | May | August

Apply Today 

Virtual Chat and Information Sessions:

MBA | MBA in Health Care Leadership (HCL)

Learn more about Viterbo's MBA and MBA in Health Care Leadership (HCL) programs in an upcoming Virtual Information Session with program director Dr. Jessica Welsh, or sign up for a time to meet virtually and learn more!

Book a convenient time to learn more! 

MBA in Computer Science

Learn more about Viterbo's MBA in Computer Science - First cohort starting Summer 2025!

Book a convenient time to learn more! 

Graduate Business Certificate

The Dahl School of Business at Viterbo University now offers a graduate certificate in Health Care Management.  Each certificate comprises 12 credits of graduate business coursework. Click here for more information, or contact Luke Clift, at in Graduate Admissions.

Sit in on a Class - By Appointment Only 

Contact Luke Clift, Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions, at 608-796-3026. 

Counseling Programs (EdD| MS)

Apply now 

January | May | August

Apply Today


    Virtual Chat and Information Session

    Explore your career potential with a Doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision, Master of Science, and add-on certificate programs in Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling. Learn about the programs, delivery format designed to allow you to work, clinical placements, and areas of emphasis with Graduate Admissions and program faculty Dr. Cameron Houin.

    Click on the day and time below to register.

    Counselor Education and Supervision (Ed.D.) 

    plus the add-on licensure certificate programs in mental health or school counseling*

    Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling (M.S.) 

    plus the add-on licensure certificate programs in mental health or school counseling*

    *Note:  To enroll in an add-on licensure certificate program, you must be a licensed school or mental health counselor.

    "On Demand" Individual Information and Chat Session: 

    (Via phone or ZOOM)

    Sallie Braun, Graduate Admissions Counselor
    Phone: 608-796-3034
    Book time to meet with me.


    Education: Wisconsin (EdD | MA | Licensures | Certificate)

    Accepting applications 

    August | January | May 


    Apply Today

    Virtual Information & Chat Sessions  

    Thinking about adding a graduate degree or licensure to your portfolio?  Join us for an online chat session with our faculty to learn more about Viterbo University's M.A. in Education and how you can maximize your time and resources by combining the master's with one of VU's add-on licensures, or certificates.   

    Master of Arts in Education (all paths)

    • Choose any licensure path of interest to learn more about our MA in Education and how it pairs with teaching or leadership licensures to maximize your degree. 

    Reading Licensures | Teacher Leadership Certificate | Master of Arts

    Reading Teacher (1316) | Reading Specialist (5017) | Innovative Teacher Leadership and Instructional Coaching (certificate) | Master of Arts in Education

    Join us for an informational Zoom meeting.  Click on the date below to register:

    If the above dates and times do not work for you, schedule a time at your convenience to discuss our Reading licensures or certificates and how you can pair them with a master's in Education.


    Mary Beth Sinniger
    PH:  608-796-3095

     Book time to meet with me.

    Special Education Licensure | Master of Arts

    Cross-categorical Special Education (2801) | Master of Arts in Education

    For more information on our cross-categorical special education license, please contact:

    Mary Beth Sinniger
    PH:  608-796-3095

     Book time to meet with me.

    Educational Leadership Administrative Licensures | Master of Arts

    Principal (5051) | Dir. of Special Education and Pupil Services (5080) | Dir. of Instruction (5010) |  School Business Administrator (5008) | Master of Arts in Education

    Viterbo's licensure programs have a rich 20+ year history of developing educational leaders through our personal and applied approach.  Courses are a blend of online and face-to-face learning.  Licensure programs are designed to be paired with the Master of Arts in Education if desired.

    For more information on our licensure and Master of Arts in Education programs, please join us for an informational Zoom meeting. 

    Click on a date below to register:

    You may also reach out to Mary Beth Sinniger or Scott Mihalovic to schedule a personal meeting or to answer any questions.  See the contact information below.

    Mary Beth Sinniger
    PH:  608-796-3095

     Book time to meet with me.

     - or - 

    Scott Mihalovic, Program Chair
    PH:  608-796-3093

     Book time to meet with me.

    Superintendent  | Doctor of Education

    Superintendent (5003) | Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership with Superintendent (5003)

    Viterbo offers two great paths toward Superintendent Licensure.  Candidates may complete the licensure only for 24 credits or combine the doctorate (Ed.D) in Ethical Leadership with the Superintendent (WI 5003) license embedded in the program for 51 credits.  Book a convenient time to connect with Professor Scott Mihalovic and Luke Clift to learn about the Superintendent licensure paths by clicking the link below. 

    Book a convenient time to learn more! 

    Education: Post-Baccalaureate Initial Teacher License Programs (MA | Licensure)

    Virtual Chat and Information Sessions

    Considering a career change into education? The post-baccalaureate initial teaching license options include Elementary Education, Cross-categorical Special Education, and nine Secondary Content Area licenses (art education, business education, English education, mathematics education, music education, broad field science, broad field social studies, Spanish, and technology). Three starts (May, August, or January). Coursework is fully online, with pre-student teaching and student teaching in your area or district. 

    Join Professor Kristy Holinak and Magy Kellogg for an informal chat on the various paths and the application process. Simply click on the date below to register and join via computer and/or phone. A PowerPoint presentation will be shown.   Or schedule a one-on-one today, email

    Schedule a one-on-one meeting with Graduate Admissions:


    Education: Iowa and National (MA | Licensures | Certificate)

    Accepting Applications for Fall | Spring | Summer

    MA in Education | Principal (IA 189) | Certificates

    [Up to 100% online options]


    Convenient options to "visit" about our programs!

    Viterbo University has a rich tradition of supporting Iowa Educators in advancing their careers.  Our Iowa Center offers the following programs to support your professional goals. 
    • M.A. in Education /w Principal Administration (IA 189) License

    • Principal Administration (IA 189) License only track

    • M.A. in Education - Generalist

    • M.A. in Education w/Innovative Teacher Leadership & Instructional Coaching Certificate

    • Innovative Teacher Leadership & Instructional Coaching Certificate only

    • Graduate Electives - District-embedded, content specific

    Virtual Information Sessions:

    Join us during one of our virtual information and chat sessions. These are designed to allow you to explore the program and ask questions.  Click on a date below to register.

    We invite you to reach out to us with questions about the program(s) that best fit your needs:

    *Note: The Innovative Teacher Leadership and Instructional Coaching certificate is designed as an enhanced learning opportunity and does not lead to an Iowa Endorsement or License.

    Schedule a one-on-one visit with a Counselor:

    We are looking forward to speaking with you!  Call us or email to schedule a (phone or virtual meeting) that works best for you.  

    • Magdalen Kellogg | Director of Graduate Admissions || 608.796.3028 
    • Mary Beth Sinniger | Assistant Director, Graduate Enrollment Services | | 608.796.3095
    • Carol Page | Assistant Professor & Program Director, Iowa Education Leadership | | 515.309.9123 or 888-235-2200

    Leadership (MASL | EdD | Certificate)

    Accepting applications 

    August | January | May 

    Apply Today 

    Virtual Chat and Information Sessions:

    Master of Arts in Servant Leadership

    Learn more about Viterbo's M.A. in Servant Leadership program in our upcoming Virtual Information Sessions with program director Dr. Jessica Welsh, or sign up for a time to meet virtually and learn more!

    Book a convenient time to learn more! 

    Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership 

    Join Program Director, Dr. Shannon McManimon from the College of Business, Leadership, Education and Ethics to learn more about Viterbo's Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Ethical Leadership program. Centered on an ethical and servant leadership approach the program provides a unique blend of theory and practice in the classroom.  Register for an upcoming virtual information session below, or sign up for a convenient time to meet virtually and learn more!

    Book a convenient time to learn more! 

    Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership with Superintendent (WI 5003) 

    Viterbo offers two great paths toward Superintendent Licensure.  Candidates may complete the licensure only for 24 credits or combine the doctorate (Ed.D) in Ethical Leadership with the Superintendent (WI 5003) license embedded in the program for 51 credits.  Book a convenient time to connect with Professor Scott Mihalovic and Luke Clift to learn about the Superintendent licensure paths by clicking the link below. 

    Book a convenient time to learn more! 

    Graduate Leadership Certificate

    The Dahl School of Business at Viterbo University now offers a graduate certificate in  Ethical Leadership in Organizations.  Each certificate comprises 12 credits of graduate business coursework.  Click here for more information, or contact Luke Clift, in Graduate Admissions, or book a time to meet with me at your convenience!

    Sit in on a Class - By Appointment Only 

    Contact Luke Clift, Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions, at 608-796-3026.

    Nursing: DNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice (including Dual DNP\MBA path)


     DNP paths - January | May | August

    Post-Graduate Certificate AGAC-NP - August

    Apply Today


      Virtual Chat and Information Sessions

      Explore your career potential with the Doctor of Nursing Practice program and the new Post-graduate AG Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate. The DNP offers both Nurse Practitioner and Leadership paths.  Learn about the program, our paths, program format, and all the possibilities with Dr. Michele Merten and graduate admissions.

      DNP paths: 

        FNP  |  AGNP  |  AGAC-NP  |  Dual DNP & MBA  | Ethical Leadership (post-MSN only)

      Post Graduate Certificate  

      Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (for NP graduates)


      Schedule a One-on-One Meeting or Visit a Class/Campus

      Sitting in on a class, talking with students, and meeting with your admissions counselor is a great way to explore the DNP program. To join us for one of Viterbo's upcoming class dates below or to schedule a campus visit, email Magy Kellogg at or call 608-796-3028 to schedule a meeting.  


      Nursing: MSN (Direct Entry into Initial Clinical Care Practice)

      Application Open 

      Start in August (Fall) 2025

      Apply Today

      Virtual Chat and Information Sessions 

      Are you exploring the idea of becoming a nurse? Do you have a bachelor's in a non-nursing field?  Viterbo now offers an initial entry program into Nursing at the master's level. Viterbo University's MSN in initial practice is not an advanced nursing program, rather it will prepare you to enter into the clinical profession.

      Join Cameron Kiersch, DNP, and Magy Kellogg to learn more about Viterbo's 63-credit hour program.

      Click on the date below to register!

      Schedule an Individual Virtual Admission Counseling Session

      We invite you to reach out at any time to meet with your admissions counselor or to schedule a time with Cameron Kiersch, DNP, RN.  Email or call 608-796-3011 to schedule a meeting.  

      Nutrition/Community Medical Dietetics (MS)


       Initial RDN path or Advanced path for RDNs

        January | May | August

      Dual Master's with DI for didactic graduates

      January | May 

      Apply Today  

      Virtual Chat and Information Sessions

      Explore your career potential with the M.S. in Community Medical Dietetics. The program has three / four paths, an initial licensure direct-entry 63-hour track, two dual MS with Internship paths (Thesis & Non-Thesis) for candidates from an ACEND-approved didactic bachelor's program, and a track for current RD's looking to expand their expertise in nutrition through research and coursework).  

      Learn about the program, format, and research possibilities with Kelsey McLimans, Ph.D. and Magy Kellogg, graduate admissions.  Click on a date below to register!

      We invite you to reach out at any time to meet with your admissions counselor or to schedule a time with Kelsey McLimans, Ph.D.  Simply, email or call 608-796-3011 to schedule an individual virtual admissions counseling session.  

      Post-Graduate Certificates/Licensures| Nursing | Education | Dietetics

      Virtual Chat and Information Sessions

      Viterbo University offers three post-graduate level programs: 

      Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

      Post-Graduate Certificate (for FNP and AGNP graduates) 

      Advance your career and scope of practice with the Post-graduate AG Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate.  Designed for Nurse Practitioner graduates (MSN or DNP prepared) who are seeking acute care expertise.  Learn about the 21-credit hour program, the delivery format, and admission with Michele Merten, Ph.D., and graduate admissions.

      (click on the date below to register)

      • more dates to come

      Dietetic Internship (for ACEND didactic program graduates only)

      Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming Open House Sessions for the Dietetic program at Viterbo University, or contact Magy Kellogg at for more information or to schedule an appointment at your convenience. 

      • more dates to come


      Superintendent (WI 5003) 

      Viterbo offers two great paths toward Superintendent Licensure.  Candidates may complete the licensure only for 24 credits or obtain and doctorate (Ed.D) in Ethical Leadership with the Superintendent (WI 5003) license embedded in the program for 51 credits.  Join Professor Scott Mihalovic to learn about the Superintendent licensure paths. 

      Book a convenient time to learn more! 

      Already hold a Superintendent license?  Join the Ed.D. in Ethical Leadership (only) information sessions (see Leadership programs) to learn more about obtaining your doctorate and transfer of credit options.   

      Speech-Language Pathology (MS)

      Virtual Chat & Information Sessions 

      Apply now for 2025

      August (Fall) Start Only

      Call 608.796.3028 or email for more information


      Virtual Information & Chat Sessions 

       Join us for a virtual information and chat session about Viterbo University's new MS in Speech-Language Pathology. This session is designed as an informal opportunity to learn about the program, admission requirements, and the application process. This unrecorded session allows you to ask questions as we go, as well as provides you with an opportunity to know program director Dr. Patti Johnstone.  Click on the date below to register to join us.  We look forward to meeting you!

      • more dates to come