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Alyssa Gostonczik

Staff Focus: Q&A with Alyssa Gostonczik

As Viterbo University’s intern and employer relations coordinator, Alyssa Gostonczik played a vital role in connecting students to internship and other work experience opportunities that can pave the way for post-college careers for Viterbo’s students. She is currently director of advising and career development.

Happy Thanksgiving

Viterbo University will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 25–Friday, Nov. 27. Happy Thanksgiving.

Viterbo Angel Put Emmy-winner Moe on His Path

If Barry Lee Moe '01 had a chance to give a speech after winning his first Emmy in September, he would have expressed gratitude for the “angels” who have dropped into his life, including an important angel at Viterbo.
Jacob Lee

Engineering Student Collaborates, Innovates

Jacob Lee has been working on innovative engineering projects, thanks to one of his many internships. “Not only am I confident I will have the skills necessary to be an engineer, but I feel the companies that are looking at Viterbo engineers are also confident we will be prepared when we graduate.”

Viterbo Alums Take Giving to the Next Level

JayVon and Megan Adams reflect often on how fortunate they are, even in the midst of a pandemic. It’s common for that gratitude to become good fortune for someone else, sometimes in a big way. A very big way.