Month of Remembrance

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Reflection by Emilio Alvarez

With the beginning of November underway, our Viterbo community is invited to make it a month of remembering. On November 1st, we celebrated All Saints Day, a day in which we remember those individuals of faith who had gone before us and provided us with an example of a Christian way of life and a reminder that our earthly life is closely connected to the lives in heaven. On November 2nd, we also celebrated All Soul’s Day, a day we intentionally prayer and remember all our beloveds who have passed away. For the entire month of November, Campus Ministry invites the Viterbo community to remember our loved ones.


As we do every year, we have an Altar of Remembrance in San Damiano Chapel for our deceased families, friends, and alumni. Each Sunday, our community will remember our loved ones with the song “May the Angels lead you into Paradise” and a blessing of the names and images located at the altar. You are welcome to bring photos of your departed loved ones and place them on the altar.  There will also be a book in which you can write their names as well.  We will also have a special place for those who have died this past year.

By reflecting on these lives, we are reminded that we too are called to be living saints to the world around us. It may seem like an impossible task to reach such heights of holiness in our lives, but the saints remind us of two simple ingredients that they embodied that allowed them to live such heroic lives of virtue - their complete love of God and the complete love of neighbor. Here at Viterbo, we are well-positioned to follow in the footsteps of these saints. Through the embodiment of our mission and the practice of our core values, our community can be a living light to others. Maybe, one day, our very own names will be listed among those saints who inspire hearts full of love and lives of service.


Who are the individuals in your life that inspire hearts full of love and lives of service?

Today, take a moment to consider the people in your life. Express a moment of gratitude for the impact they have had in your life.

Consider Viterbo’s core values of contemplation, hospitality, integrity, service, and stewardship. Choose one that you would like to intentionally focus on this week.

“Build altars in the places where I remind you of who I am, and I will bless you there.” (Exodus 20:24)