Viterbo University Adds eSports to its Collegiate Athletics Programs; Competition to Begin in 2022-23

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Nov. 10, 2021

Contact Barry Fried at 608-796-3812 or


LA CROSSE, Wis. – Viterbo University has announced the addition of eSports to its collegiate athletics offerings.

Viterbo V-Hawk team members will compete in League of Legends, Overwatch, Rocket League, Hearthstone, and additional games based on student interest. An 1,800-square foot V-Hawk eSports Arena complete with theatre-style seating and up to 24 PC eSports stations located in Murphy Center will be completed in time for competition to begin with the 2022–2023 academic year.

eSports programs continue to grow rapidly at colleges and universities across the country and around the world. In July 2016, only seven varsity collegiate eSports teams existed in the U.S. As of Spring 2020, there were more than 400.

“The addition of eSports aligns perfectly with Viterbo’s mission and strategic plan,” said Barry Fried, director of athletics. “We will be providing more opportunities for students to participate, and research has shown that being an eSport athlete requires strategy, goal setting, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving—all skills that directly translate to the real world.”

The search for the first Viterbo eSports head coach is currently underway. Scholarship funds for eSports athletes are available and will be awarded at the discretion of the coach based on ability and competitive success. The eSports program will be co-ed.

The launch of the eSports program also complements the university’s academic portfolio (including the new computer science major) very well, Fried said. Many eSports athletes are interested in STEM majors.

eSports is a $1 billion industry, and there are currently more than one billion eSports players in the world. The top 10 profession gamers in the world made between $3 and $6 million in 2019. Two million more people watched the League of Legends Championship internationally than the NFL Superbowl in 2019.

Anyone interested in being a member of the inaugural Viterbo eSports team should visit
