Viterbo Intentional Communities

Welcome first-year students! Viterbo University is offering two new Intentional Communities for incoming students. 

Healthy Living Community (HLC)

The Healthy Living Community (HLC) offers a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a culture of healthy living, where every aspect is designed to promote both personal growth and collective well-being. 

Participants in the HLC will benefit from a comprehensive support system, including guidance from student wellbeing. Together, we'll craft personalized student activities that inspire holistic individual well-being, community well-being, and create lasting friendships that contribute to a vibrant community atmosphere.   

This experience is driven by students, empowering each individual to take charge of their well-being while collaboratively building a supportive and inclusive environment.   

Magnify Living Community (MLC)

The Magnify Living Community (MLC) is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, faithful service, and ethical leadership.  

The first-year MLC will receive campus ministry support and will be welcome to participate in upper-level MLC programming such as retreats, weekly gatherings, community, and prayer formation. Campus ministry will provide ways for students to develop their leadership skills, spiritual lives, and social and emotional well-being. 


Q: Where will the communities be located?  
A: Students will live in
Bonaventure Hall during their first year and will stay with the same group when moving into sophomore apartments. 

Q: Does a learning community cost more? 
A: No. Students will be charged the same room rate as other students living in Bonaventure Hall.

Q: Who should I contact for more information or to sign up?  
A: If you are interested in joining the Viterbo’s Healthy Living Community or Magnify Living Community, or have questions, please contact the residence life office at or by calling 608-796-3116. 

Q: What if I sign up for a community and later decide it isn’t for me? Can I opt out?  
A: Yes, students who decide that the community is not a good fit for them will be allowed to opt out.

Q: Do I get to select a roommate?  
A: Yes. Students will go through the same roommate selection process as all other first-year students. However, keep in mind that you will both need to be part of a community to live together.

Q: Will I need to participate in Housing Selection? 
A: No. The office of residence life will take away the stress of housing selection by placing participants on the same floor in Bonaventure Hall.

Q: What activities and programming will be provided for the Healthy Living Community?  
A: Although there will be support from student welling and first-year experience, the community is student-driven. This means that students will decide what is important for their own community and develop activities based on that vision.

Q: What activities and programming will be provided for the Magnify Living Community?  
A: Although Campus ministry and the upper-class Magnify group will provide mentorship, the community is student-driven. Students may choose to participate in retreats and weekly gatherings.


“Magnify has provided me with a supportive group of faith-filled young adults to live in communion with. It is so important to find a “home away from home” when coming to college and the MLC offers this and more.”  
–Magnify Student