This course focuses on performance requirements and techniques for the actor, including the process of preparation to performance, and the stylistic differences between genres. The course utilizes material from existing theatre literature in a variety of styles. Solo and ensemble participation is expected of students. Restricted to theatre majors. Restricted to students with junior standing and higher. May be repeated for credit.

The art of dramatic writing is explored, as well as the production of scripts for stage presentation. Prerequisite: ENGL-104 or 105 or 195.

A study of plays, current production, playwrights, actors, and theatrical practices in selected cities, either in the U.S. or abroad. This course culminates in a required field trip which allows on site observation of theatrical practices, and consists of attending productions and guest lectures as well as backstage tours. Additional fees required. May be repeated for credit with different content. Graded CR/NC.

This survey course reflects how contemporary playwrights (1960 to the present) have utilized theatre and drama to examine identity and culture, including race, gender, and sexuality, within their historical and present-day contexts. Content is adjusted to reflect current scholarship and dramatic literature that examines these topics. Prerequisites: ENGL-104 or 105 or 195, LDW course. LA

This course is a further examination of practical and theoretical considerations in the process of stage management as it applies to both producing and presenting organizations. The student will be introduced to financial, contractual, facility, administrative, and management considerations unique to the production of performance and arts events in both professional and academic environments. The focus of this course centers on stage management for the commercial theatre with an emphasis on process and the current conditions in the industry as a whole.

This course prepares students to enter the industry with an understanding of how to make ones self a "show-business person" and addresses the practical issues of beginning an acting career. Students will develop an extensive repertoire of audition monologues and songs, learn basic stage and camera audition techniques, research career opportunities, graduate schools, hone their resumes and increase their understanding of what it takes to live and work as a professional actor.

The purpose of this advanced costuming course is to allow students to further explore, develop, and apply skills and techniques introduced in THTR 175. This course will focus on such advanced costuming skills as draping, cutting, pattern-making, construction, and basic tailoring. Prerequisite: 175.

This course is intended to give students comprehensive training in technical drafting for the theatre. Students will gain skills in hand drafting as well as various computer graphics programs such as Auto CAD, Vectorworks, and Photoshop. This course will focus on communicating through graphics utilizing drawings in the scenic, properties and lighting disciplines. Advanced projects will be given. May be repeated for credit.

This will explore advanced construction techniques used in theatrical scenery construction. Topics related to scenery construction that will be addressed are budgeting, structural design, construction of more complex scenic elements and metal working. May be repeated for credit.

This course addresses a practical and introductory approach to stage combat styles. Students will safely explore the craft of stage violence through the skills of unarmed and armed combat. Styles may include (dependent on rotation): hand-to-hand, small -sword, rapier & dagger, broadsword, or quarterstaff. Prerequisites: 121, 207. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit.