Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.
Courses on topics of interest in global studies offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Courses generally include some type of cultural immersion experience. Prerequisites as determined by instructor. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.
Participation in an intercultural learning experience in the form of study abroad, service-learning experience, or an internship. Restricted to students with juniors standing or higher.
Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.
Courses on topics of interest in global studies offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Courses generally include some type of cultural immersion experience. Prerequisites as determined by instructor. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.
Participation in an intercultural learning experience in the form of study abroad, service-learning experience, or an internship. Restricted to students with freshman and sophomore standing.
This course familiarizes students with the social, economic, psychological, and political issues that challenge contemporary women locally and internationally. It also encourages students to further their personal progress toward understanding and dealing constructively with womens issues.
Independent reading and/or research under the guidance of a theatre faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.
Advanced non-classroom experiences in the field of theatre. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurance, and learning contracts must be submitted to the theatre faculty before the end of the first week of the semester. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for more details. Restricted to theatre majors and minors. Permission of department required. Graded CR/NC.
Courses on topics of interest to students in theatre offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by the instructor. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.