Independent reading and/or research which does not fit appropriately within other departments. Must be under the direction of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.

Introductory internship experience. Internship sites are usually off campus, generally part-time, and often without pay. This introductory level experience provides the opportunity for freshmen and sophomores to gain internship experience in an area not directly related to their major, explore career options, and earn academic credit for the experience. See the office of Career Services three to six months prior to the time an internship is planned. Requires a 2.0 GPA. Students must register for credit prior to the start date of the internship.

Courses on topics of interdisciplinary or thematic nature offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by the instructor. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.

This writing and reading intensive course provides university transfer students an introduction to the academic and social elements of college. Students will explore what it means to be a critical thinker and a part of the college community. Students will gain an appreciation of the importance of general education within a liberal education. In the exploration of these concepts students will develop the skills to be a successful college student. Restricted to students in the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science program.

This course is designed to prepare new and future student leaders. Students will learn about their own leadership styles and basic leadership theories and concepts. Students will also complete a course project. The class format is a combination of lecture, small/large group discussion and field experience.

This course familiarizes international students with expectations and conventions typical of the American college classroom and the resources and supports available at Viterbo including the library, tutoring and other academic supports.

This course is designed to facilitate life and career decision making. Students will be involved in activities that encourage examination of personality characteristics and interest, personal and occupational values, as well as abilities, skills, and aptitudes. Students will explore the world of work and requisite academic preparation, generate occupational and academic goals, and make knowledgeable and appropriate decisions. This course is designed for entering and undeclared students.

The purpose of this course is to teach strategies that improve college-level reading and study skills. Students learn how to improve reading rate, textbook comprehension, and concentration. The class format is a combination of lecture, small-group activities, and in-class reading labs. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing.

This course will ask students to consider their personal definition of success and consider how they can achieve academic success. Topics include mindset, resillience, change, deliberate practice, time management, stress management, and other related topics. The class format is a combination of lecture, small group activities, and discussion. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing.

This comprehensive course aims to equip TRIO students with essential skills and knowledge necessary for both academic and personal success throughout their college journey. Through a series of engaging activities, discussions, and hands-on experiences, students will be able to navigate campus resources effectively, leverage technology ethically to enhance their work, and develop proficiency in college-level reading, research, and writing.