Cultivating a Servant Heart: Insights from Servant Leaders

Cultivating a Servant Heart: Insights from Servant Leaders
by Caitlin Mae Lyga Wilson 

Cultivating a Servant Heart by Caitlin Wilson .jpg

Servant leadership is one of the fastest-growing movements in the nation, reaching individuals in a wide array of settings. This book, the first of its kind, gives the reader insight into the inward journey of people who have been called to serve in their communities as teachers, leaders, business professionals, and advocates. These stories, woven together with the unifying threads of our past, present, and future, are filled with inspiring insights and life lessons, grounding the reader in the practices of servant leadership. Skillfully edited by Caitlin Wilson, the contributors take readers along through their childhoods, leadership development, visions for the future, and the passions that continue to energize and cultivate their servant leadership lifestyle. Readers will learn exactly how servant leaders have, and continue to do the work of softening the heart, a task that is never done. While the contents of the book read like a well-told story, it also works as a guide for all those who seek to serve others, build compassion, open hearts, and develop strong bonds within their communities.   

The book is available for pre-order from Fulcrum Publishing.