Looking to serve?

Service takes many forms while answering the question, "What is Ours to do?".

Be the good.  We're all in this together.

Service group in front of The Healing Garden

Not sure what to do?  

You're in luck! As a result of COVID19, we created resources to support virtual & distance-based service, including a "Build Your Own" list of ideas to mold to fit unique communities, agencies, or causes.  Click here to explore those resources to find a way to integrate service safely into your semester!

Serving at Viterbo has never been easier! Viterbo has partnered with Great Rivers United Way, UW-La Crosse and Western Technical College to create UGetConnected,  a one-stop, online center where you can search for service opportunities by agency, cause, interest, date, location, project, and more. Accounts have already been created for all Viterbo students - all you need to do is click the link below and log-in with your Viterbo info to activate your account (activation takes an average of three-five minutes). When you activate your account, you can indicate what type of agencies you might be interested in getting involved with, respond to volunteer needs, become a fan of agencies, track your hours and print your volunteer resume.  The UGetConnected tutorials below can help you navigate the many tools/functions available. 

Questions about Ugetconnected?  Contact Colin Burns-Gilbert, Director of Orientation and Engagement at 608-796-3846 or cgburnsgilbert@viterbo.edu.

Register/Login to UGetConnected

Need help navigating the UGetConnected software? 

  • UGetConnected Tutorial Step 1: How to log in, filter and respond/RSVP to Needs - Click Here 

  • UGetConnected Step 2: Serve the community!  - Please prepare accordingly to be physically and mentally present, intentionally serving the guests and organizations you're there to assist.

  • UGetConnected Tutorial Step 3: How to capture hours/experiences after serving, how to attach hours to a User Group, how to create a simple Excel spreadsheet with hours, and how to create an individualized Volunteer Resume. - Click here

UGetConnected is mobile! 

Find Cause Connect to log-in to the Viterbo connect site.  You can capture hours and service experience on site! 

CauseConnect - Apps on Google Play



Looking for more easy ways to volunteer? Try Service Saturdays.

Viterbo Service Saturdays provides opportunities one Saturday each month to serve alongside various community organizations, connect with other students, and enjoy a free post-service reflection meal and great conversation. Sign-up is easy! Visit Service Saturdays for details.