To provide support to our community members that were devastated by recent flooding across the Coulee Region, we were approved to establish a coordinated Viterbo effort to send volunteers to local communities still in need of support.
Many times disaster relief lasts only as long as our news coverage. This effort is intentional to provide support to communities over the duration of an entire semester, assisting at various stages of flood relief/recovery efforts.
This page was utilized to coordinate registration as space is limited to 40 volunteers each trip. The cap of 40 volunteers each Friday was intentional to spread Viterbo's service throughout recovery stages. It allowed communities to better utilize our group without being overwhelmed.
Important information is located below the registration links, so please read everything to ensure you are prepared to serve to the best of your ability.
*Future dates/locations will be determined. Viterbo will continue leaning in to difficult situations to support our neighbors.*
*Signup will be closed as spaces fill.
Fall 2018 Impact
Not including Labor Day, we were able to send 26 individuals to serve four communities at various stages of flood relief efforts. Our Flood Relief Fridays family contributed 105 hours over the course of the four communities, saving them approximately $2,524.70.
*All volunteers must wear long pants/jeans, long sleeves, and closed-toe shoes. Failure to dress appropriately may result in your being turned away from service. Waterproof boots are recommended.
Thanks to generous donations and institutional support, Viterbo University provides the following for volunteers: waterproof gloves, waterproof boot protectors, safe transportation, eye protection, reflective vests, facemasks, first aid kits, hand sanitizer, and tool kits. These items will be distributed on the bus and should be returned after each Friday. These items are included to stay within our scope of service and to be good stewards of our resources.
Many communities need capable people to physically help with various stages of recovery. Although Viterbo is not a disaster relief or specialized skill (carpentry, etc.) organization, the university is home to many people who value serving others in meaningful ways. These supplies are the most flexible for the wide variety of projects as flood relief efforts evolve. Another goal of providing these supplies is to remove much of the burden of hosting from local communities while providing safety for Viterbo volunteers.
Direct clothing or household items (e.g., coffee makers, etc.) to other local agencies (e.g., Salvation Army Thrift Store). Several communities have indicated that they are not yet in a position to receive and sort these items as cleanup and recovery remains a more immediate need.
Thank You
On behalf of the communities you'll be serving, thank you for offering your time and energy to assist folks who have been devastated and continue to rebuild their lives. Special thanks to Mathy Construction and Badger Sportsmen's Club for their generous supply donations to keep our volunteers safe.
If you have any questions or concerns about Flood Relief Fridays, contact Colin Burns-Gilbert or 608-796-3846.