Parents and Families

Parents, guardians, and families: Encourage your student to use our free services and resources.

We offer career advising, internships, resume development, mock interviews, career fairs, and special events for networking, and skill development.

Handshake is Viterbo's job and internship board for students and alumni. This (free) service allows your student to create a profile and post a resume that are visible to potential employers. Handshake also hosts all the on-campus employment positions, including work study. Students sign in with their Viterbo email and password to claim their account.

Career-development courses

  • UNST 110 - Major Exploration (1-credit, 8-week class offered fall/spring)
    This course is designed for first-year and undeclared students. This course will facilitate life and career decision making. Students will be involved in activities that encourage examination of personality characteristics and interest, personal, and occupational values, as well as abilities, skills, and aptitudes. Students will explore the world of work and requisite academic preparation, generate occupational and academic goals, and make knowledgeable and appropriate decisions. 
  • UNST 310: Career and Professional Development Seminar (1-credit, 8-week class offered fall/spring)
    This course is designed for students who wish to further refine their career goals and begin preparation for activities to pursue those goals. Students will investigate possible career paths and research the feasibility of internships, graduate school, and other career-enhancing activities, as well as develop application materials, place search strategies, and practice interview skills to prepare for the next steps in their career development.


An internship is a practical way for your student to spend time connecting Viterbo coursework to the workplace. Internships can be done anywhere in the world, during any semester, and may count for university credit or be a non-credit resume builder. 

An internship allows your student to experience the roles, expectations, and behaviors of the professional world. Students learn about their strengths, interests, and problem-solving skills while gaining the ability to work with clients and perform under pressure. Students also gain experiences to highlight on their resumes, expand their professional networks, and build professional references.

Think about your own connections and how you might facilitate an internship experience for your student. Also, encourage your student to talk with our staff to learn about this MUST HAVE learning experience! 


Challenge your student to become "occupationally literate." Ask: "Do you have any ideas about what you might want to do when you graduate?" If your student seems unsure, you can talk about personal qualities you see as talents and strengths. You can also recommend: 

  • Visiting with a career advisor and/or completing a career inventory
  • Discussing career options with their academic advisor
  • Learning about careers within their field of interest by visiting with faculty members
  • Researching possible career fields and employers online
  • Conducting informational interviews with a professional in their career field