Internships and Jobs

Helping Students Find On/Off-campus Jobs or Internships        ​

All jobs and internships are posted on Handshake, Viterbo University's job board. Faculty and staff are uploaded to the system and have access to the jobs and internships. 

Handshake Logo


If you have already accessed your account: Click on the logo and enter your University email and password.

If you have not yet accessed your account: to log into your pre-exisiting account. 

Additional job search sites, including on-campus employment, are available on our Job Search page. 

Helping Students Register a For-Credit Internship

All undergraduate internships, with the exception of PSYC 487, are run through Advising and Career Development office. Students wanting to register their internship for credit should follow the instructions in the "I have secured an internship, now what?" section of the internship informational page

Unlike traditional classes, students may register for an internship at almost any point in the academic semester. Students may repeat up to 15 internship credits and apply them towards graduation. The internship class is offered online in fall, spring, and summer as a pass/fail course. 

Students also have the option of completing an internship for no credit. This internship does not show up on the student transcript.

Posting Jobs or Internships

A Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring

All job and internship postings should be forwarded to Alyssa Gostonczik in Career Services so they can be posted on Handshake. 

The National Association of Colleges and Employers has established best practices for faculty involvement in student hiring efforts. These recommendations are to protect YOU, your STUDENTS, and the SCHOOL and are based on notions of fairness, equal opportunity, truthfulness, non-injury, confidentiality, and lawfulness.

SHARE employment and internship opportunities with ALL of your students (post signs, send mass e-mail, send to the career center, and so forth)—do not hand pick students to share information with. 
ADHERE to FERPA guidelines when disclosing information about a student to employers and be sure to secure permission from the student to speak about them. All information shared should be firsthand and based when possible on factual or written documentation. 
CONSULT your campus career center on ALL employment and internship requests, including those seeking to connect with specific groups of students (by major, race, gender or other protected categories). 
|AVOID discussing personal matters and areas that fall outside the job requirements when providing references and recommendation.

LIMIT opportunity and access by sharing information with select students. 
VIOLATE privacy and FERPA standards by disclosing information about top students, sharing information without student consent or sharing personal details unrelated to the job description. 
ASSUME that you are the only person with a relationship with the employer—share information with the career center so that strategic employer engagement can occur to ensure equal and fair service is provided to each employer. 
UNDERESTIMATE the liability assumed by you personally and by the school when the above standards are not followed.