Viterbo Speaks Up is a place where students, employees, and family members can report crimes, worrisome behaviors, harassment, sexual violence or assault, discrimination, violations of the Viterbo University Code of Student Conduct, and other issues and concerns. Viterbo University is committed to providing a safe, educational environment for all members of our community, and by speaking up, you're helping make that happen.
You will find detailed information about each report below. Some reports have the option for you to report anonymously. Please note, our goal is to support each and every reporter and it is more difficult to support those affected if reports are filed anonymously. If you share your identity in the report, we work to honor confidentiality and only share information with university personnel outlined in each report.
If you are uncertain whether the situation you would like to report meets the form's criteria, we encourage you to report if you are concerned.
Speak up! We're here to help!
If this is an emergency, please contact Viterbo Campus Safety and Security (on-campus ext. 3911, off-campus 608-780-1582) or dial 911 prior to filling out one of the forms below.
I Need To Report A Student Conduct Violation Or Crime
What Should I Report: Creating and maintaining a safe campus community is everyone’s responsibility. If you witness an incident, violation of the Code of Student Conduct, or crime, you can use this form to file a report and notify the appropriate staff. This is the same form used by Residence Life and Campus Safety staff.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: Director of Campus Safety and Security, Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, Student Conduct team, and the Campus Safety team.
What Happens After I Submit This Report: This report is reviewed by Campus Safety and Security and Student Conduct staff, and assigned to the appropriate department/staff member.
Can I Report Anonymously: Yes
What Should I Report: When someone we care about is distressed, it is hard to know what to do. As a community we can help each other find the resources and help to address the concern at hand. Faculty, staff, students, and family are encouraged to use this online form to report to express your concerns about the student and why.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: CARE (Campus Assessment, Referral and Education) Team. The report is received by the following staff members and is shared in more general (and confidential) terms with the CARE team: Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students (co-chair), the Director of Counseling and Health Services (co-chair), Director of Campus Safety and Security, and the Director of Advising, Career Development, Accommodations, and Academic Support.
What Happens After I Submit This Report: The CARE Team leadership will screen referrals each weekday and hold a CARE team meeting every other Monday to assess the level of risk and determine appropriate action steps. Following the team meeting, we will begin taking action steps based on the level of risk assessed in the referral and through additional information that the team gathers. If there is identified a need for the team to meet sooner then their scheduled meeting, an emergency meeting will be called.
Can I Report Anonymously: Yes
I Need To Report Discrimination, Sexual Violence, or Harassment
What Should I Report: Our university community is committed to promoting a learning and working environment free from discrimination, harassment, and other forms of misconduct. Every member of our community has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and other protected characteristics.
Use this form to report incidents of discrimination, harassment, or other behaviors that create a hostile environment. This includes sexual misconduct, such as sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other sex-based misconduct. Reports can be submitted by those directly impacted or by individuals who have witnessed and incident. Your report helps us address concerns, provide support, and uphold our commitment to a safe and inclusive campus community.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: Compliance and Title IX Coordinator and Director of Campus Safety and Security.
What Happens After I Submit This Report: The Compliance and Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the alleged victim to offer supportive measures and work together to determine next steps.
Can I Report Anonymously: Yes
I Want To See A Change On Campus
What Should I Report: Student Government Association (SGA) is responsible for advocating for any student voices on campus. SGA also has the responsibility of managing activity fee monies paid by students and allocating this money to different initiatives, clubs, and events on campus. This form will work through SGA to make needed or desired changes on our campus. Any aspects of our campus that could be improved or new ideas for our campus can be reported on this form.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: SGA President and Vice President
What Happens After I Submit This Report: This report will be discussed by the elected student representatives of SGA to help determine the best solution and any necessary allocations. Information may be gathered from university staff as needed to determine possible options or solutions.
Can I Report Anonymously: Yes
*Instead of filing a report, you have the option to voice your idea/concern in-person at an SGA meeting. We have time allocated for student voices at every meeting, and this is a relaxed discussion. Formal presentations are completely optional. For meeting information, please contact SGA president Halle Utterback at hutter76584@viterbo.edu*
I Want To File A Formal Instructor Complaint
What Should I Report: When a student has a concern about a course, course material, instructor, or something else related to academics, they should meet with the instructor directly to try and resolve the issue. If this is not sufficient, the student should meet with the department chair or program director to so they may attempt to resolve the concern. If the concern remains unresolved after meeting with the department chair/program director, and the student wishes to pursue the matter, the Student Complaint Regarding Instruction form is to be completed within 10 business days. The form should include information about the complaint with as much detail as possible as well as what has been done so far to resolve the issue.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: College Dean or School Executive Director
What Happens After I Submit This Report: This report is reviewed by the College Dean or School Executive Director and a decision is communicated to the student and instructor. Either party may appeal the written decision of the College Dean by asking within 5 business days that the complaint be forwarded to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. If parties are still unsatisfied with the decision, the student may pursue the issue with the Viterbo Board of Review, which will make the final decision.
Can I Report Anonymously: No
I Want To Share A University Concern
What Should I Report: Any student of Viterbo University may initiate a concern or grievance regarding a University issue, which may involve an employee, an office, or the manner in which a University policy or procedure has been applied. Viterbo University is committed to an appropriate resolution of any complaints, and your input provides us the opportunity to improve our services.
Who/Where Report Goes After It Is Submitted: Vice Presidents/Senior Administrators for each of the major functional areas on campus.
What Happens After I Submit This Report: The appropriate Vice President/Senior Administrator reaches out to the contact person in the functional area that is being reported. The contact person or Senior Administrator will follow up with the reporter if contact information is provided.
Can I Report Anonymously: Yes