Whether you are a current student looking to stay on campus for the summer, a coordinator looking for a venue to hold your conference or camp, or a community member looking for reasonable group accommodation for a portion of the summer, we are confident that your summer stay at Viterbo University will be a pleasant one. Conveniently located minutes from downtown La Crosse, the campus offers academic and meeting space, convenient parking, and housing in an exciting living and learning environment. A short walk to the Mississippi River, prime resort and outdoor recreation areas surround the growing metropolitan population of over 130,000.

Residence Life is dedicated to providing clean, comfortable, and affordable housing accommodations to students, friends of the university, and participants in university activities and programs during the summer months. Each summer, Viterbo University hosts over 700 summer guests and students on its campus.

Follow the link that best fits your situation for more details.

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Student: Applications are open! The deadline to apply to live on campus is the first Monday of May.  If you have any questions about in living on campus for all or a portion of the summer, contact Residence Life at residencelife@viterbo.edu).
    • Summer Housing Assistant Applications
      • Staying on campus and looking for a job? Applications open February 14th! These positions will be opened until filled-click here for a job description
      • Summer housing assistants are required to do on call duties as well as work 10 to 40 hours a week in the office. The office hours are paid at the current student employment rate for Viterbo University.
  • Viterbo Department-Coordinated Events: Conference and Group Summer Housing-priority deadline is April 1st.
  • All Other Camps and Conferences: Conference and Group Summer Housing-please contact Andy Nauman.

A variety of affordable services, amenities, dining services, recreational facilities, and a beautiful natural setting are available to our guests.

If you are not a student or conference attendee and have other questions, please call the office of Residence Life at 608-795-3116. 

La Crosse Links