This course will provide students with knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice with individuals and families. Students will develop interviewing and practice skills in relation to working with clients of diverse racial, cultural, class, and religious backgrounds, as well as address social work values and ethics. The planned change process, ethical and purposeful use of self, and use of theory to guide practice will be emphasized. Prerequisites: 280, 331; admission to the social work program.

Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.

Courses on topics of interest to social work students offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by instructor. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.

Students will learn essential interviewing skills for empowering and strengths-based social work practice. Motivational and solution-focused skills necessary for ethical practice in using the planned change process are defined, modeled, rehearsed, and evaluated. Emphasis is placed in developing cross-cultural practice skills sensitive to the needs of diverse and vulnerable populations. The course includes a structured lab with recorded interviews, instructor, and peer evaluations. Prerequisites: 210, admission to the social work program.

This one credit course allows students to experience social work populations and organizations outside the classroom. Students complete 25 hours of service in an approved setting that facilitates interactions with clients and staff. Assignments support the integration of generalist social work models with the experience. Students examine the congruence of personal values with professional values, study social work ethics and learn about professional boundaries. Diversity and underserved client populations encountered in social work are discussed. Prerequisite: 210 or concurrent.

This sophomore level writing emphasis course introduces social work students to the research process, critical thinking, and analytic writing. Students will learn to critically read and evaluate sources and scholarly writing. Emphasis will be placed on learning to write in APA style. An overview and basic understanding of the scientific research process, with an emphasis on quantitative research is stressed. Ethical issues in human subject research and evidence based practice in social work are examined.

This course introduces students to the profession of social work within contemporary society including the historical, social, economic, and political context of social work practice. Students develop an understanding of the connection between social work practice and social welfare policy. Social work values and ethics, including the professions commitment to social justice and valuing of diversity, will be emphasized. Students are introduced to the social service delivery system, the person-in-environment perspective, and generalist social work practice.

Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.

Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. Prerequisite: 125. May be repeated for credit.

Non-classroom experiences in the field of sociology. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurance, and learning contracts must be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for more details. Restricted to students with senior standing. Graded CR/NC.