This course provides study of structure and function of the respiratory, phonatory, auditory, articulatory, and nervous systems and their contribution to speech, language, and hearing. Prerequisite: 111
Students observe and/or job shadow, clinical practice across a variety of communication disorders and ages in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: 111.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to communication sciences and disorders to the introductory-level student. Students gain basic knowledge in the areas of anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing, and an overview of the various disorders that affect voice, fluency, articulation, language, cognition, swallowing, and hearing across the lifespan.
A sustainable servant led culture can be studied, analyzed, and created through the study of artifacts, the stories, and the ritual celebrations of the organization or community. Servant leaders are ritual leaders in their organizations.
Experiential Learning: Internship (12 Credits) Non-classroom experiences in the field of business. Placements are generally off-campus, and may be full-or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurrence, and learning contracts must be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. A maximum of 15 credits of 287/487 can be used to meet graduation requirements. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for details. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit. Graded CR/NC.
Special topics courses of variable credit are developed depending on participant need and interest. Some special topics courses have been: Mentoring & Leadership; and Empathy & Imagination. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.
Servant leaders understand that their primary role is to help develop and maintain health relationships within their social groups and/or organizations. This course will examine the principle characteristics of health groups, such as trust, joy, and collaboration, as well as the human characteristics that then to enhance or detract from health relationships, such as power, fear, collaboration, honesty, and forgiveness. Ways of measuring the well-being of groups, such as happiness indexes and social capital, will also be studied.
This course develops servant leaders using strategic core values of mission, vision and virtues to build people and inspire communities. Students will apply servant leadership concept of foresight to develop talents and aptitudes in finding purpose at work. They will examine writings of different servant leadership authors as well as current media and local case studies where servant leaders can be seen in action.
St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi were ordinary people who became extraordinary leaders in their community, their church, and their world through lives of prayer and service. We will use their lives as a prism to examine our communities, churches and world through the practice of servant leadership, personal pilgrimage, and a commitment to the common good. This course includes a week-long study abroad experience in Assisi, Italy. The trip is generally taken during Spring Break.
Servant leadership is not just a theory; it is a practice. To understand the practice, this course focuses on case studies of servant leadership. In addition to their examination of existing cases, students develop their own case study through participation in and/or research on an organization or community working to integrate servant leadership into their practice.