Non-classroom experiences in fields related to ECAS. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurrence and learning contracts must be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for more details. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. Graded CR/NC.

With a focus on collaborative, interdisciplinary problem-solving for the common good, this course uses a case study approach to explore historical and contemporary social issues. Rooted in a commitment to doing "scholarship for social change," students will learn how to make use of perspectives from history, philosophy, art, and other disciplines in order to creatively engage with the complex, often contentious issues in an imperfect world. PMI

Advanced research paper for BFA students. To be completed during the senior year.

Individual work in any studio area beyond listed courses. Students will be provided with work space in the department and will meet with a selected instructor for regular appointments to discuss work in progress. May be repeated for credit.

Independent reading, research, and studio work under the guidance of an art faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.

Advanced non-classroom experiences in the field of art. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurance, and learning contracts must be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for more details. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. Graded CR/NC.

Courses on topics of interest to art students offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by the instructor. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.

Observation and supervised teaching at the secondary level. Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program; admission to student teaching; passing Praxis II score.

Observation and supervised teaching at kindergarten, elementary and middle levels. Prerequisites: admission to the teacher education program; admission to student teaching; passing Praxis II score.

The planning, development, and evaluation of an entire project. Work with a faculty member to develop a stand alone instructional module and act as producer as well as developer. Permission of instructor required.