Faculty Development Grant Protocol

Individual Grant Parameters

Eligibility: Faculty development grants are open to all full time or permanent part-time employees with faculty status with direct contributions to teaching and learning. Faculty that have not submitted their final reports for any grants received in the previous two years will not be eligible. Faculty may request up to $1,800 per year for domestic-activities or $2,500 per year for international activities.

Grant funding proposals are due on first day of each month, and will be considered the following week utilizing the criteria below. Participants will be notified within two weeks of submission.


Faculty development funds are available to encourage faculty growth through underwriting pedagogical development and pursuit of scholarly and creative endeavors. The following provides a sample of covered expenses.

  1. Attending conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and seminars pertaining to either one’s teaching areas or scholarship.  This includes support for faculty serving administrative roles at the conference or workshop they seek to attend.
  2. Presenting new research (Poster, Round table, Panel, Musical or other artistic work) or other scholarly work (invited paper, Keynote address, musical or theater performance) for academic peers.
  3. Other forms of scholarly activities that may not conform to established standards must be justified and supported by department/dean.
  4. Resources related to bringing in outside personnel for on-site professional development.
  5. Support for research directly related to one’s scholarship or teaching including: purchasing books, data sets, assessments, journals, professional memberships, lab supplies, instruments, analytical and testing services. Items purchased become property of Viterbo University.
  6. Professional travel to archives, museums, exhibits, historical centers or sites, musical and theater productions directly tied into ones teaching or scholarship.
  7. Support for materials to develop new courses.
  8. Other activities not directly referenced that foster joint faculty-student scholarship or enhance instructional skills (individual or institutional).
  9. Costs related to public dissemination of scholarly products including publication or performance.

The following review criteria will guide the evaluation of each funding proposal:

  1. Full-time faculty holding tenure-track positions will be given preference; full-time non-tenure track faculty will be given second preference. Permanent part-time faculty and instructors will be given third preference.
  2. Proposals from faculty who have not recently received a FD grant will be considered more favorably than faculty who have recently been granted faculty development funding.
  3. Priority will be given to activities that directly support the mission of Viterbo University, the applicant’s progress toward tenure and promotion will also be given priority. Activities including conference presentations, and activities that may lead to a paper/poster for presentation or publication will be granted highest priority.
  4. Applications from faculty who have not filed final reports and expense forms from previous grants awarded by the FDC will not be considered.

Click here to view the Faculty Development Grant Reviewer's Scoring Rubric (Viterbo ID req'd)

Application Instructions

Faculty development grant proposals are submitted ONLINE:

Step 1

Gather the following information so that you can easily complete the grant application form online. This information includes:

  • A description of the proposed project or activity
  • Dates and locations
  • How the activity meets defined scholarship and/or teaching goals for your discipline and/or the university
  • How the activity meets the scholarship/teaching goals for your tenure or promotion
  • Two professional development outcomes for the proposed activity. At least one of those outcomes must demonstrate how the activity/experience will provide a direct influence on teaching and learning individually or institutionally.  
Step 2

Fill out and save the Travel Expense Form  to estimate your activity costs. This is an Excel spreadsheet that you should download and complete in Excel. Be sure to save the completed file on your computer.

Download Travel Expense Form

Step 3

Complete the online application form:


Grant Follow-up and Final Report Instructions

After completing the conference or professional development activity for which you had an approved Faculty Development grant, each faculty member needs to complete the following items:

Step 1

Within 10 days of returning from travel or at the completion of the event, finalize your travel expense estimate to reflect actual costs (travelexpenseform.xls) and send to  facultydevelopment@viterbo.edu with appropriate receipts to be reimbursed for your pre-approved incurred expenses.

Download Travel Expense Form (if needed)

Step 2

After completing the conference or professional development activity for which you had an approved Faculty Development grant, complete the following items:

  • Within 10 days of returning from travel or at the completion of the event, submit a completed Travel Expense Form to Faculty Development with appropriate receipts to be reimbursed for your pre-approved incurred expenses (ones found on your Travel Expense Estimate in your application).
  • Complete the questions via the following form:


Step 3

In addition to the final reflection, you are expected to present at either the Celebration of Faculty Scholarship (annually in late October or early November) or the Celebration of Teaching and Learning (annually in February). Please reach out to facultydevelopment@viterbo.edu if you have questions.