
What is C.A.F.E.?

The purpose of CAFE, or Conversations around Faculty Experience, is to provide faculty opportunities to engage in peer observations and review, and receive feedback and consultation on teaching while building relationships with other faculty to improve teaching practices.

How does it work?

Faculty may request classroom observation, or request feedback and conversation on any aspect of teaching including classroom instructruction, syllabi, student evaluation, or course structure and organization. If you're interested in participating, check out the resources on this site, then choose from the following options:

  1. Request peer feedback/consult: using the link below, choose focus areas as well as a peer to connect with. The CAFE peer volunteer will connect with you to meet, discuss your areas of focus, and determine next steps. Faculty will attend class sessions, review syllabi and/or materials, or will focus as needed and provide formative feedback to help improve teaching practices.

  2. Engage in mutual feedback: using the link below, choose areas of focus. Indicate that you would like to be paired with another faculty member. After pairing, meet, discuss areas of focus, and conduct peer observations or reviews using the resources provided, then meet again to discuss your feedback.



Coming soon


Email facultydevelopment@viterbo.edu