Haillie Weibel

Hallie Weibel is a 2007 Viterbo alumna and current graduate student. She began her education career by establishing and managing a 21st Century Grant afterschool program for Sparta Schools. Then, she transitioned to the classroom, teaching middle school reading, science, and language arts in Sparta and Cashton. Five years ago, she transferred to Holmen Middle School, where she teaches eighth grade ELA.

Hallie lives near Rockland with her husband, three children, two dogs, and four fish. Outside of school, she runs a successful wedding business, officiating and coordinating approximately 25 weddings per year. Weibel spent 10 years as a foster parent and enjoys shopping, camping, reading, and live music. She has received the following awards: School District of Holmen Vabbulous Viking award; UW-Platteville Influential Educator; Altra Credit Union Outstanding Teacher; and Patricia Behring National History Day Teacher(s) of the Year for the state of Wisconsin.

TITLE: "Asking the Big Questions: A Powerful Unit Wrap Up