Course Rotation Schedule
      No. Sections      
Course No. SCH Course Name Fall Spring Summer Prerequisites
ACCT-211 3 Financial Accounting 1  F2F section - every Fall 1 F2 F section - every Spring 0 None
ACCT-212 3 Managerial Accounting 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-311 3 Intermediate Accounting I 0 1 Online section - every Spring 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-312 3 Intermediate Accounting II 1 Online section - every Fall 0 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-313 3 Cost Accounting 1 F2F section - Fall of even years 0 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-321 3 Accounting Information Systems 0 1 F2F section - Spring of odd years 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-415 Federal Taxation I 1 F2F section - Fall of odd years 0 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-416 Federal Taxation II 0 1 Online section - Spring of even years 0 ACCT 211
ACCT-418 Advanced Accounting I 0 1 Online section - Spring of odd years 0 ACCT 211 and ACCT 312
ACCT-425 3 Auditing 1 Online section - Fall of even years 0 0 ACCT 211
BLAW-343 Legal & Ethical Environment of Business 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 1 Online section - first half of every Summer None
BLAW-344 Business Law 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 BLAW 343
BLAW-450 3 Legal Aspects of Financial & Commercial Transactions 1 Online section - Fall of even years 0 0 None
BUSL-302 3 Business Communication 0 1 Online section - every Spring 0 ENGL 104 or 105 or 195
BUSL- 305 3 Applied Business Statistics Analysis 1 Online section - second half of every Fall 1 Online section - second half of every Spring 0 None
BUSL- 306 3 Managing and Leading 1 Online section - first half of every Fall 1 Online section - first half of every Spring 0 None
BUSL- 308 3 Financial and Managerial Accounting 1 Online section - second half of every Fall 1 Online section - first half of every Spring 0 None
BUSL- 309 3 Managerial Marketing 0 1 Online section - first half of every Spring 1 Online section - first half of every Summer None
BUSL- 318 3 Managerial Finance 1 Online section - first half of every Fall 0 1 Online section - second half of every Summer None
BUSL- 400 3 Human Resource Management 1 Online section - first half of every Fall 0 1 Online section - second half of every Summer None
BUSL- 401 3 Global Strategic Management 1 Online section - second half of every Fall 0 1 Online section - second half of every Summer None
BUSL-402 3 Ethical Leadership and Sustainability (PMI) 0 1 Online section - second half of every Spring 1 Online section - second half of every Summer None
BUSL- 403 3 Project Management 0 0 1 Online section - every Summer None
BUSL- 410 3 Operations Management 0 1 Online section - second half of every Spring 1 Online section - first half of every Summer None
ECON-101 3 Macroeconomics 1 F2F section - every Fall 2 F2F sections - every Spring 0 ECON 102 or 60 credits completed
ECON-102 Microeconomics 2 F2F sections - every Fall 1 Online section -  second half of Spring 0 None
ECON-200 2 Personal Economics 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
ECON-300 3 Environmental Economics 1 F2F section, dependent on number of students requesting the class (offered as an occasional elective in Fall or Spring or Summer)l     None (ENG 103 recommended)
FINA-304 3 Banking, Financial Inst., and Monetary Policy 0 1 F2F section - Spring of odd years 0 ECON 101 and 102
FINA-331 3 Financial Management 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 ACCT 211
FINA-332 3 Investments 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 FINA 331 or OMGT 318
FINA-355 3 Financing Strategies and Capitalization 1 F2F section - Fall of odd years 0 0 FINA 331
FINA-410 3 Financial Planning and Wealth Management 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 students with senior standing
HMGT-306 3 Principles of Management in Health Care 1 Online section - Fall of odd years 0 0 None
HMGT-320 3 Health Care Policy and Delivery Systems 1 Online section - Fall of even years 0 0 None
HMGT-330 3 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care 1 Online section - Fall of odd years 0 0 None
HMGT-340 3 Financial and Economic Aspects of Health Care 0 1 Online section - Spring of odd years 0 None
HMGT-375 3 Health Care Informatics 0 1 Online section, Spring of even years 0 None
HMGT-425 3 Evidenced Based Health Care Management 0 0 1 Online section, Summer of odd years  
HMGT-445 3 Quality Improvement in Health 0 0 1 Online section - Summer of even years None
INFO-103 1 Spreadsheet Fundamentals 2 F2F sections - every Fall 0 0 None
INFO-200 3 MIS Concepts and Applications 1 Online section - in the second half of every Fall 0 0 None
INFO- 303 1 Advanced Spreadsheets 0 1 F2F section - Spring of odd years 0 INFO 103
MGMT-101 1 Introduction to Business - Viterbo Style 2 F2F sections - every Fall (run on same day and time - capped at 35 each) 0 0 None
MGMT-203 2 Professional Communication 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MGMT-210 3 MIS Concepts and Applications 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 ENG 103 or 105 or 195
MGMT-250 2 Personal and Professional Branding 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MGMT-300 3 Business and Professional Writing 2 F2F sections - every Fall 1 FTF section - every Spring 0 C or higher in ENGL 104 or105 or 195
MGMT-305 3 Project Management 0 1 Online section - Spring of odd years 0 None
MGMT-320 3 Principles of Entrepreneurship 1 F2F section - Fall of odd years 0 0 None
MGMT-322 Talent Management 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 None
MGMT-331 3 Data Analytics for Business and Sport 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 MGMT 230
MGMT-341 3 Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MGMT-342 3 Human Resource Management 1 F2F section - every Fall 0 0 None
MGMT-374 Diversity in Global Business 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 MGMT 341
MGMT-375 3 Leadership, Power, and Influence 0 1 F2F section - Spring of odd years 0 None
MGMT- 447 3 Production & Operations Management 0 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 MATH 270
MGMT-449 3 Global Strategic Management 1 F2F section - every Fall 2 F2F sections - every Spring 0 FINA 331 and Senior Standing
MGMT-490 3 International Business 0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0 None
MGMT-492 1 Dahl School Comprehensive  Capstone 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MKTG-351 Principles of Marketing 1 F2F section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MKTG-353 Market Research 1 F2F section - every Fall 0 0 None
MKTG-354 3 Social Media and Innovative Marketing 0 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MKTG-356 3 Professional Selling 1 F2F section - every Fall 0 0 MKTG 351
MKTG-361 3 Web Design and Analytics 0 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
MKTG-362 3 New Media Marketing 1 F2F section - every even Fall 0 0 None


Integrated Marketing Communications 1 F2F section - every odd Fall 0 0 MKTG 351
SPML-120 3 Introduction to Sport Leadership 0 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None


History of Sport 1 FTF section - every Fall 1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None


Finance for the Sport Leader

1 F2F section - Fall of even years 0 0 None



Legal Environment of  Sport

1 F2F section - Fall of even years 0 0 None


Event and Facilities Management 1 F2F section - Fall of odd years 0 0 None


Sport, Recreation and Event Marketing

0 1 F2F section - Spring of even years 0

MKTG 351

SVLD-260 3 Servant Leadership 1 F2F section - every Fall  1 F2F section - every Spring 0 None
SVLD-330 3 Meaningful, Ethical, and Practical Servant Leadership 1 Online section - every Fall 1 Online section - every Spring 0 None
SVLD-430 3 Mission, Vision, and Virtue in Organizations 0 1 Online section - every Spring 1 Online section - every summer None

Note:  "F2F" = Face-to-face

NOTE:  Information in this table is subject to change.  Availability of all classes is dependent on enrollment.  Classes could be cancelled if enrollment plans show a low number of students.  Students should work with their advisors when a change is needed.

Last Updated on 1/5/2024