Majors, Minors, and Programs

Art Education Major

The underlying philosophy of the program is that of the artist-teacher: meaning art education students will become  better teachers when they can draw on their strengths and insights as artists. For these reasons art education students at Viterbo focus first on their own creative productivity, at some point developing a special interest in a particular area of artmaking. Art education students go through much the same rigor that studio art majors would undertake, first by completing a year of foundations drawing-design, and art history. Every art major takes this sequence of beginning courses. We assume that everyone in the art education program is an artist and has an interest in the history of art. Our aim is to produce future teachers who are confident as both artists and teachers. Not all programs have a foundations sequence that prepares all art majors for a major in studio art or art education. One advantage of our foundations program is that all freshman art majors can change their major easily within the first year between art education, and studio art.

Although we have a studio classroom for art education, Viterbo students spend much of their time out of the classroom, in the community, and in schools. We are involved in many hands-on teaching experiences. Students at Viterbo learn to teach by practicing teaching in art education courses designed specifically for the art education major. Some schools put all of the education majors (art majors and non-art majors) together in art methods courses. They are often large lecture classes without the opportunities we have as a small group. For instance, our art education students teach an eight-week art course in the Viterbo Afterschool Art Workshop for children ages 5-12 years. This program draws approximately 50 children from area schools. In addition to this, art education students go into middle and high schools and other community art centers as visiting artists, conducting workshops and showing their work. These hands-on teaching experiences, that take place long before a student does their final semester of student teaching, encourages Viterbo students to build upon a philosophy of teaching and making art. By the end of their education at Viterbo art education students have built relationships in the wider community and K-12 area schools.

See program information.

Art Track or Minor

See program information.

Art Therapy Pre-professional Program

The Viterbo University pre-art therapy program provides students with a strong foundation at the baccalaureate level that helps them prepare for graduate studies in art therapy and art in communities. The pre-art therapy program at Viterbo University has three philosophic purposes: to mentor students in art theory and practice; to prepare students to make meaningful choices concerning their career path in art therapy and art in community settings; and to prepare students academically for successful entry into an accredited art therapy program. Entry into an art therapy program requires students to have completed specific course requirements and a studio portfolio.

See degree requirements.