Twice a year, a group of enthusiastic students call alumni to connect about experiences, update record information, and offer an opportunity to support Viterbo programs.

ANSWER THE CALL: When you receive a call from Viterbo, you are talking with a student who is interested in learning of your experience and connection to Viterbo.

ENCOURAGEMENT FOR STUDENTS: When you answer a student’s call, you will hear how your support is impacting their education and future. Please consider asking them a few questions about their semester and share what Viterbo means to you. The student call center provides students with valuable work experience in making connections that will impact their journey now and into the future. Thank you for encouraging them.   

DON'T WANT TO WAIT?: Your gift of any size has an impact on the Viterbo experience, and truly makes a positive difference. No matter the amount, we hope you will support Viterbo students. Give now through Viterbo’s secure giving website.

You can also make your gift by sending a check to Viterbo University, Attn: Advancement, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse WI 54601. Please note "Phonathon" in the memo area of your check.

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