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Jesús Jambrina Awarded

Congratulations to Jesús Jambrina (middle), associate professor of world languages and cultures and coordinator of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at Viterbo University, who was presented with the prestigious Medal of the Four Synago
Brian Konkol at Gustavus Adolphus

Rev. Brian Konkol: Viterbo Alum Living Our Core Values

When he’s working, the Rev. Brian Konkol can be found just about anywhere—the chapel, the classroom, the college board room, even on the basketball court. That’s just all part of the job as chaplain at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn.

Outstanding Student Leader Award

Students, staff and faculty are invited to submit nominations for the Outstanding Student Leader Award.  This award will be presented to 3 to 5 students at the Student Leadership Recognition Banquet.  Written nominations must provide the name of t