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Jhardon Milton

Broadway Dreams Come True for Jhardon Milton

Landing a part on Broadway was a dream come true for Jhardon DiShon Milton ’13. When he went a year living in New York without a stage gig, the lessons he learned at Viterbo helped him hang on until he got the call to be in his second Broadway musical, a plum role in "TINA: The Tina Turner Musical."
Murphy Center library entrance

Murphy Center Memories

Construction of Murphy Center began in 1940, and the building has been at the center of life at Viterbo University ever since. To mark the 80th anniversary of construction commencement, here are some fond memories shared by people who called the building home for many years.
Matt Boehler

Matt Boehler: From the World Stage to Viterbo University

Taking a break from the busy schedule of an internationally acclaimed opera singer, Matt Boehler ’98 returned to his alma mater in November 2019 to perform a recital and spend several days working with students. It was a special homecoming he very much enjoyed.