We honor our students' commitment to nursing by taking the opportunity to celebrate the occasions that mark their progress through our programs. We also host annual seminars and symposia that enhance education for nursing students such as Research on the Green and inter-disciplinary opportunities within the College of Nursing, Health, and Human Behavior.

BSN Commitment Ceremony
This event is held in honor of sophomore nursing students beginning the professional nursing sequence. Students receive their official Viterbo Student Nurse name badge. It is at this important ceremony that students commit to the profession of nursing and its standards of practice as they begin to care for patients in clinical practice.
BSN Pinning Ceremony
This event is held in honor of our senior nursing students to commemorate the completion of the professional nursing sequence. In the ceremony graduates are pinned with their Viterbo University School of Nursing pin. This event not only celebrates the student's hard work and dedication, but also celebrates the efforts of their family and friends. The Viterbo University School of Nursing pin can be worn proudly on their future nursing uniforms.

BSN Completion Pinning Ceremony
This event is held in honor of our graduating nursing students to commemorate the completion of their baccalaureate degree in nursing. In the ceremony graduates are pinned with their Viterbo University School of Nursing pin by a person of their choice. This event not only celebrates the student's hard work and dedication, but also celebrates the efforts of their family and friends. The Viterbo University pin can be worn proudly on their nursing uniforms.

Graduate Nursing Hooding Ceremony
Shortly before graduation, the graduate nursing faculty and students have an afternoon of celebration where the graduates receive their master's hoods in a special informal ceremony before the are officially hooded at graduation. Hooding is for graduate programs only and symbolizes success in graduate programming.