I currently have the privilege of serving as the Lab Manager for all of our STEM programs. As a Lab Manager, my responsibilities include purchasing supplies that are needed for classes and research, maintaining budgets, and managing laboratory operation, with responsibility for the proper maintenance of laboratory conditions, safety procedures, equipment, and instruments. I also hire, schedule and supervise work study students that help faculty members prep for lab courses. In addition, I serve as a resource to students, staff and faculty for both labs and research.
In addition to the work above, I am also able to teach several lab courses each year including Microbiology, General Biology, and Environmental Science. Past courses I have taught include Genetics labs, Biochemistry labs and Tropical Ecology.
Research Interests
I have always been interested in the microbial world. More specifically, how microbes relate/interact with the environment. I am interested in using microbes to remediate (break down) toxic chemicals in the soil or water and what type of stressors microbes experience on plants.