Non-classroom experiences in the field of English. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Credit for experiences must be sought prior to occurance, and learning contracts must be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. See the experiential learning: internship section of this catalog for more details. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. Graded CR/NC.

Courses on topics of interest to English students offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by instructor. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.

Course will be flexible to allow focus on a survey of women poets, on regional writers, on North and South American poets, or on a single theme or topic. This course exists as both a 200-level course for Core Curriculum students and as a more challenging 300-level course required for English majors and minors and open to other interested students and to those who need UD credit. Prerequisite: 104 or C or higher in 105 or C or higher in 195.

Introduces students to rhetoric, both as a philosophical tradition and as an essential tool for understanding the cultural messages of today - the political, commercial, and artistic "texts" that surround us. Students learn the historical origins of Rhetoric and the main principles of rhetorical criticism. Students then apply that knowledge by analyzing and creating a variety of rhetorical texts, including written, oral, and visual arguments. Prerequisite: 104 or C or higher in 105 or C or higher in 195. WCII.

Examines multiple works by a single author in British literature to consider themes, topics, and development of work over time. This course exists as both a 200-level course for Core Curriculum students and as a more challenging 300-level course required for English majors and minors and open to other interested students and to those who need UD credit. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: 104 or C or higher in 105 or C or higher in 195. LA

English majors analyze narrative poetry, build research skills specific to literary analysis, practice integrating literary criticism, and apply a contemporary literary theory to literary analysis. Students also discuss English-related careers and hone presentation skills. Students who fails ENGL 255 twice will be dismissed from the English major. Restricted to English and English Education majors only. English minors and others with instructor consent. Prerequisite: 104 or C or higher in 105 or C or higher in 195. WCII, OC

Required for all English majors, ENGL 253 studies poetry, fiction, drama, and the essay through the lens of genre. Students learn the conventions of genre in literature and apply them to research and write literary-critical arguments. Note: students placing out of ENGL-104 or into ENGL-105 or 195 may take 253 in the fall term of their first semester. Prerequisite: 104 or C or higher in 105 or C or higher in 195. Students who qualify for 105 or 195 may enroll in this course concurrently or with instructor consent. LA

Examines a theme, symbol, or image in Western and/or non-Western literature to consider how texts reveal, respond to, and influence culture or cultural change over time. Topics will vary in specificity and may explore more than one genre, literary-historical period, or culture. This course exists as both a 200-level course for Core Curriculum students and as a more challenging 300-level course required for English majors and minors and open to other interested students and to those who need UD credit. May be repeated once for credit.

Examines a recurrent theme, symbol, or image in British literature to consider how texts reveal, respond to, and influence change in British culture or society over time. Topics will vary in their specificity and may explore more than one genre, literary-historical period, or non-Western culture. This course exists as both a 200-level course for Core Curriculum students and as a more challenging 300-level course required for English majors and minors and open to other interested students and to those who need UD credit. May be repeated once for credit.

Examines a recurrent theme, symbol, or image in American literature to consider how texts reveal, respond to, and influence change in American culture or society over time. Topics will vary in their specificity and may explore more than one genre, literary-historical period, or non-Western culture. This course exists as both a 200-level course for Core Curriculum students and as a more challenging 300-level course required for English majors and minors and open to other interested students and to those who need upper division credit. May be repeated once for credit.