Academic Calendar
Regardless of delivery methods, the academic year is divided into two semesters, each 15 weeks in length plus a final exam week. The summer session typically runs 14 weeks.
Academic Integrity
All members of the Viterbo University community are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner and adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Furthermore, Viterbo University students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic honesty befitting their enrollment in this Catholic Franciscan university. They will not engage in plagiarism, cheating, lying, or stealing, nor will they tolerate those who do so. Fundamental to the principle of independent learning and professional growth is the requirement of honesty and integrity in the conduct of one’s academic life. Academic dishonesty in any form is a serious offense against the academic community. Each academic program will review the standards of academic integrity and have students acknowledge their acceptance of the standards.
Academic Integrity Policy
Viterbo University students, faculty, and administration share the responsibility of maintaining a standard of academic honesty. The faculty must create an atmosphere in which students may display their knowledge. This atmosphere includes sufficient safeguards to control dishonesty including an orderly testing room, restrictions on text messages, etc. Students are responsible for understanding and refraining from academic misconduct.
Academic Misconduct Policy
Academic misconduct is any activity that may compromise the academic integrity of the university, or subvert the educational process. Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
- Violating course rules as contained in the course syllabus or other information provided to the student; violating program regulations as established by departmental committees and made available to students;
- Knowingly providing or receiving information from others during examinations; or possessing or using unauthorized materials during examinations;
- Knowingly providing or using assistance in the laboratory, on field work, in scholarship, or on a course assignment when said work was to be completed individually;
- Submitting plagiarized work for an academic requirement.
Plagiarism is the representation of another’s work or ideas as one’s own whether intentional or unintentional; it includes the unacknowledged paraphrasing or word-for-word use of another person’s work, and/or the inappropriate unacknowledged use of another person’s ideas. Each student is responsible for understanding plagiarism and the consequences of committing plagiarism. The Viterbo University library offers information about plagiarism and how it can be avoided. Viterbo students are strongly encouraged to complete an online tutorial on avoiding plagiarism, which is available at - Submitting substantially the same work to satisfy requirements for one course or academic requirement that has been submitted to satisfy requirements for another course or academic requirement, without permission of either the instructor of the course for which the work is being submitted or the supervising authority for the academic requirement;
- Falsifying or fabricating laboratory results, research results, or any other assignments;
- Serving as, or enlisting the assistance of a substitute for a student in the taking of examinations;
- Altering grades or marks in an effort to change the earned grade or credit;
- Altering university forms or records, or using such forms or records without authorization; or
- Engaging in activities that unfairly place other students at a disadvantage, such as taking, hiding, or altering resource material, or manipulating a grading system.
- A faculty member who suspects a student of academic misconduct shall follow these steps:
- Notify the student in writing of the allegation.
- Contact the program director (graduate program) and/or the department chair or dean of the college (undergraduate program)
- Contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness to notify that office that the student is involved in an allegation of academic misconduct and to discover if the student has previously violated the academic integrity policy.
Procedures for Unintentional Violations of Academic Misconduct Policy (undergraduate/graduate)
If the student has not previously committed academic misconduct, the faculty member shall determine whether this academic misconduct is intentional or unintentional. Unintentional academic misconduct occurs when a student attempts to acknowledge, quote, and/or cite sources but does so inadequately or incorrectly. In determining if the misconduct is intentional or unintentional, the faculty member may consult with the student and/or program director. Students may have only one report of unintentional academic misconduct; more than one unintentional offense shall be treated as intentional academic misconduct.
If the faculty member determines that the misconduct is unintentional, the faculty member:
- Must provide a written warning that the continuation or repetition of academic misconduct will be cause for additional disciplinary action; and
- May award a failing grade on the assignment; or
- May require the student to resubmit the corrected assignment or complete an alternative assignment. The faculty member shall determine the grade for the resubmitted or alternate assignment.
In determining the appropriate sanction, the faculty member shall consider all pertinent facts, including the nature of the offense, mitigating and aggravating circumstances, and the student’s response to the event. The faculty member shall notify the vice president for academics that the misconduct was determined to be unintentional so that the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness’s office may properly monitor all faculty notifications for patterns of academic misconduct.
Procedures for Intentional Violations of Academic Misconduct Policy (undergraduate/graduate)
Graduate Program Procedures
If the faculty member determines that the misconduct was intentional, they shall refer the incident to the director of the relevant graduate program. The director of the program shall collect all pertinent facts, including the nature of the offense, mitigating circumstances, the student’s response to the event, and the failure of the individual to comply with past sanctions. The program director shall make the final determination of whether or not academic misconduct occurred and, if so, whether said misconduct was intentional or unintentional.
If the program director finds that the student has intentionally violated the academic integrity policy, the program director will notify the student in writing and make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness who shall impose sanction(s). At a minimum, the student shall receive a failing grade in the course. Most cases of intentional academic misconduct at the graduate level will result in either suspension or expulsion from Viterbo University.
Undergraduate Program Procedures
If the faculty member decides that the misconduct was intentional or the student admits the academic misconduct, then one or more or the following sanctions may be imposed by the faculty member:
- Award a failing grade on the test or paper; or
- Require the student to take another test or resubmit the paper;
- Award a failing grade for the class. (This action must have the approval of the dean of the relevant college.)
In the event that the student disputes the allegation of academic misconduct or has previously been found in violation of the academic misconduct policy, the incident will be referred to the dean of the relevant school. Imposing sanctions will be deferred pending the dean’s finding on the allegation. The school dean shall collect all pertinent facts, including the nature of the offense, mitigating circumstances, the student’s response to the event, and the failure of the individual to comply with past sanctions. The school dean shall make the final determination of whether or not academic misconduct occurred and, if so, whether said misconduct was intentional or unintentional.
If the faculty member or college dean meets with a student, the student may have a consultant present. The consultant may provide notes to the student during the meeting, but is not permitted to respond to questions for the student during the meeting. If the student is found to be in violation of the academic misconduct policy, the dean forwards their recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, or designee, who may impose sanction(s) listed in the Code of Student Conduct.
The student will be notified in writing of the findings by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. A copy of the decision letter will also be sent to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students or designee. This action is required for maintenance of complete disciplinary records.
Procedures for Subsequent Violations of Academic Misconduct Policy (undergraduate/graduate)
If the student’s record shows previous academic misconduct, the matter shall be handled by the Vice President for Academics, who may impose one or more of the following sanctions:
- Interim suspension – Suspension from classes, campus facilities, university premises and/or university-sponsored functions, for an interim period pending disciplinary proceedings. A student suspended on an interim basis may discuss with the Vice President for Academics or designee the reliability of the information related to the student’s academic misconduct.
- University suspension – Separation from the University for a specified period of time. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness may specify conditions for readmission
- University expulsion – Permanent separation of the student from the University.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness will communicate the decision in writing to the student. The Vice President for Academics will also send a copy of the letter to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, or designee.
In accordance with procedures set forth in the Viterbo University Student Handbook, students may appeal any decision for breach of academic honesty to the University Board of Review. (See academic appeals below.) In any appeal case the breach of the academic policy itself takes precedence over the sanction given for the violation.
Procedural Norms for Academic Appeals
In accordance with procedures set forth in the Viterbo University Student Handbook, students may appeal any decision for breach of academic honesty to the University Board of Review. (See academic appeals below.) In any appeal case the breach of the academic policy itself takes precedence over the sanction given for the violation.
Appeals Process for the Academic Integrity Policy
When a student disputes the charge of breaching the academic honesty policy or the sanction given for the violation:
- The student should address in writing the specific complaint to the individual faculty member and include copies of all communication used in the initial stages of the investigation.
- If the student disagrees with the faculty member’s decision, the student may continue the written complaint and include copies of all communication used in the stages of the investigation to the program director (graduate) or chairperson of the relevant department (undergraduate).
- If the student disagrees with the program director or chairperson’s decision, the student may continue the written complaint and include copies of all communication used in the stages of the investigation to the dean of the relevant college.
- If the student disagrees with the dean’s decision, the student may continue the written complaint and include copies of all communication used in the stages of the investigation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness.
If the informal appeals do not satisfactorily resolve the grade dispute, the student may file a formal, written appeal to the Board of Review.
When called upon, the Board of Review will meet during:
- Fall in-service week in August (To address all spring and first seven-week summer session appeals.)
- The last week in November (To address all summer and first eight-week fall session appeals.)
- The second week in April (To address all fall and first eight-week spring session appeals.)
- Any other times as necessary
Formal grade appeals to the Board of Review must be filed within the first four weeks of the subsequent semester following the finalization of grades in the Registrar’s office. This written appeal shall include:
- A request to the chairperson of the Board of Review to meet to hear the appeal.
- An initial statement of the problem, including both a chronology of events leading up to the informal appeal, and a description of the previous attempts to resolve the dispute with the instructor, chairperson, dean, and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness.
- Submission of a name of a member of the Viterbo University faculty, administration, general staff, or student body to serve on the Board of Review on the student's behalf.
The Board of Review will acknowledge the receipt of the appeal within five working days and notify the student of the next Board of Appeals meeting date.
A copy of the written appeal shall be presented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness and the aggrieved faculty member, program and/or department by the Board of Review within five working days. The respondents shall in turn present in writing a response with any necessary documentation to the Board of Review with five working days. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness shall name a member of the Viterbo University faculty, administration, general staff, and/or student body to serve on the Board of Review on the respondent's behalf.
All parties affected by the appeal shall have a copy of the student’s written grievance no later than three working days before their meeting with the Board of Review. All parties that the Board requests to participate in the hearing will be notified in writing no later than three working days before a meeting convenes.
Any additional evidence deemed necessary by the Board to consider the appeal adequately shall be solicited in writing no later than three working days before the meeting date. All written statements and documentation shall be made available to both the complainant, the respondent, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, and to the president by the chairperson of the Board of Review no later than one working day in advance of the meeting.
The Board of Review may let stand the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, reverse it, or take another course of action, including but not limited to remanding the issue to any previous party in the appeals process. If after thorough review of a grade dispute, the Board of Review finds a serious injustice in the awarding of the grade, it may recommend a grade change to the president of the university. The grade change can be affected only by the action of the President on the specific recommendation of the Board of Review.
The recommendation(s) of the Board of Review shall be submitted to the president and conveyed in writing within 24 hours of the end of the hearing to the student who filed the appeal, the affected faculty member, the affected department's chairperson, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness.
The decision of the Board of Review may be appealed by either party to the president of the university. The appeal must be written and submitted to the president within two weeks of the recommendation by the Board of Review. After considering the appeal, the president shall render a decision, which is final. The President shall notify both parties of the decision within one week of this appeal.
Other than the deadline for initiating the appeals process, all deadlines stated in the appeals process may, given good cause, be lengthened or shortened by the reviewing entity upon the request of either party or at the reviewing entity’s own discretion.
All records and correspondence in such cases will be kept in the office files of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness until graduation. Students’ academic transcripts shall exclude academic misconduct violations except for cases of expulsion.
Academic Policy Exception
Students seeking an exception to any university academic policy listed in this academic policy section may petition the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness for an exception. The Academic Policy Exception form is found on the Registrar’s Office Web page. This form cannot be submitted without the permission of the student’s advisor, department chair and college dean.
Academic Standing
Graduate students must earn a C or better in all courses and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. A student who earns less than a grade of C or NC (no credit) in any course must retake the course and achieve a grade of C or better. Any student who falls below a semester or cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and while on academic probation must achieve a grade of B or better in all courses and must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better to earn a graduate degree.
A student on academic probation who receives a grade below a B in any course may be dismissed from the program. A student is removed from academic probation after his/her cumulative grade point average reaches a 3.00 or better. See program sections of this catalogue for specific requirements of each graduate program.
Dismissal for academic reasons (e.g., grades, academic dishonesty, professional integrity issues) precludes readmission.
Administrative Withdrawal
Viterbo University works to provide a safe and orderly environment in which all qualified students, with or without disabilities, are able to participate in the university’s programs and activities and to pursue their academic, physical, moral and social development.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness and/or the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students reserve the right to take immediate, necessary, and appropriate action to protect the health, safety, and well-being of an individual and/or the university community. A student who does not conduct themselves in a manner compatible with a safe and orderly environment is subject to discipline through the student conduct system. In an unusual case where a student engages in one or more behaviors listed below or exhibits a pattern of such behaviors, the university reserves the right, consistent with applicable law, to require an administrative withdrawal. These behaviors include:
1. Student engages in, or threatens to engage in, behavior which poses a danger of causing harm to others;
2. Student indicates that they are unable to complete the academic requirements of the University;
3. Student exhibits behavior(s) that substantially impede(s) the lawful and/or daily, normal activities of others and/or would interfere with the educational process and the orderly operations of the university. Behaviors include those that are damaging to property or disruptive to the surrounding community and community members and/or significantly impact the university’s human resources in continued management of these incidents.
Prior to invoking an administrative withdrawal, a student may be given the option to take a voluntary withdrawal. Reinstatement following administrative withdrawal may require a certification from the student’s treatment provider or other action which satisfies the university that the student’s behavior is compatible with the academic, behavioral and technical standards of the university.
Students subject to administrative withdrawal may be offered an informal hearing before the Vice President for Academics or designee. This meeting shall consist of a review and explanation for this action with the student. Readmission to the university after administrative withdrawal must be requested in writing and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness or designee.
Alternative Credit
Viterbo University will accept a maximum of 45 credits from American Council on Education (ACE) recommended work, DSST Exam (formerly DANTES), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Examination, International Baccalaureate, or Credit for Prior Learning towards a bachelor degree. CLEP equivalents are acceptable for students in graduate programs requiring prerequisite coursework. Exam or alternative credit work completed within the last 15 years will be accepted. Of the maximum 45 alternative credits accepted, up to 30 may be for Credit for Prior Learning not otherwise covered by ACT, DSST, CLEP, AP, and IB.
Advanced Placement
Viterbo University participates in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program whereby high school students may enroll in advanced high school courses, take the AP exam and receive college credit (with the appropriate score). The student must be enrolled as a degree seeking student at Viterbo University to receive credit. The Advanced Placement course equivalency policy is on the registrar’s office’s Web page for further information.
American Council on Education
Viterbo University will grant credit for educational experiences evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Viterbo University will accept a maximum of 45 credits from American Council on Education (ACE) recommended work, DSST, or College Level Examination Program.
Credit by Examination
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a national program administered through the College Board. Viterbo follows The American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines and recommendations for minimum scores for awarding credit in subject examinations. There is a fee for each examination. Currently enrolled students or incoming students who enroll the subsequent semester may register for exams. Students should visit the Academic Resource Center Web page for information about CLEP test dates. The CLEP course equivalency policy is on the registrar’s office’s Web page for further information.
Credit for Prior Learning
The credit for prior learning program is for students who feel they have significant college-relevant learning from lifetime/work experience applicable toward college credit. A limit of six credits may be earned by portfolio by master’s degree students and a maximum of 30 credits may be earned by portfolio by bachelor degree students.
To participate in the credit for prior learning program, a student must:
- Be currently enrolled
- Meet with the program director/coordinator/advisor to get instructions and make a plan for completing the application materials
- Complete the Application for Credit for Prior Learning
- Submit the application materials to the program director/coordinator/advisor. The materials will be sent to the appropriate faculty reviewer(s) for evaluation
- The program director/coordinator/advisor will notify the student of the decision of the number of credits the student has been awarded.
- Take the approved Application for Credit for Prior Learning to the Business Office and pay the current fees for each credit approved by the faculty reviewer. The tuition and fees schedule is located on the Business Office web page.
Students who would like to know more about credit for prior learning are encouraged to contact their advisor, program director, or program coordinator. Not all programs accept credit for prior learning.
International Baccalaureate Program
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is recognized by Viterbo University for purposes of admission and course credit. The university awards credit for higher-level IBP examinations (with the appropriate score) according to the respective academic department. The student must enroll as a degree-seeking student at Viterbo University. The IBP course equivalency policy is on the Registrar’s Office’s Web page for further information.
National College Credit Recommendation Service
Viterbo University will grant credit for education experiences based on evaluation by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (CCRS), formerly, the National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI). National CCRS administers a system that evaluates courses and educational programs conducted by non-collegiate organizations nationwide and recommends to colleges and universities that they grant credit when learning experiences are found comparable to college-level instruction. Viterbo University will accept a maximum of 45 credits from American Council on Education (ACE) recommended work, DSST, or College Level Examination Program.
Retroactive Spanish Credit
Students who enter Viterbo University with advanced preparation in Spanish may receive from three to 12 retroactive credits provided –
- the student takes a placement exam to determine appropriate class level
- a grade of C or better is earned in the student’s first university course above the 101 level
Retroactive credits will appear on a student’s transcript after the grading deadline of the term in which the first university course above the 101 level was completed and the minimum grade was achieved. The retroactive credits granted may be used toward fulfilling the B.A. degree requirement as well as toward the Spanish major or minor requirements.
A student who has received college credit for a Spanish course taken while in high school (through Advanced Placement, Early College Credit Program, or other cooperative agreements between secondary and post-secondary schools), or received Viterbo transfer credit for a course taken at another college or university may not take the placement exam or be awarded retroactive language credits.
Expectations for Students
- Viterbo University challenges students to be learners who assume responsibility for being a partof a community of scholars. Student presence and participation in the classroom is an important component of this challenge. Furthermore, as part of its mission, Viterbo University offers a graduate education that prepares students for ethical leadership in their professions and community engagement. Each student is encouraged to develop a professional work ethic that reflects responsibility, initiative, and teamwork. Students who are absent from class miss opportunities to contribute to the learning environment of the classroom. Successful attendance in graduate courses demonstrates a professional demeanor and commitment to developing ethical leadership.
- Considering the above, students are expected to attend all classes and notify instructorsbeforehand of all foreseen absences.
- Absence from class may result in the loss of financial aid, including federal financial aid, and may lead to the requirement to repay financial aid funds to Viterbo University.
- If absence from class is unavoidable due to illness, emergency, jury duty, etc., the student willcontact the course instructor. The instructor may ask for documentation.
- A student who is not able to attend classes due to military obligations should refer to the Military Deployment policy.
- Regardless of the reasons for absence, the student is responsible for any coursework missed and for any assignment the course instructor may give to make up for the absence.
Online Graduate Course Attendance
Attendance is expected in all online courses. Student attendance in an online class is defined as active participation in the course as described in the course syllabus Guidelines for Online Attendance.
- A student who has not logged into their online course during the first three days may be dropped from the course.
- Instructors in online courses are responsible for providing students with clear instructions of the active participation requirements for the class. Instructors will state on the syllabus the specific expectations for active participation.
- Completion of assignments is expected on a weekly basis. If a student has not logged into their online class for a period of seven days of longer, they may receive a failing grade or be administratively dropped from the course.
- Faculty may choose to report students who are not actively participating in their online course through the Starfish Early Alert System.
- Students not able to participate in classes due to military obligations should refer to the Military Deployment policy.
Expectations for Graduate Faculty and Other Viterbo University Officials
- Each faculty member will establish a reasonable attendance policy, which will be stated in the course syllabus and shared at the beginning of the course. If the course requires the student to complete any activity, in or out of class time, that can be performed only at the time specified in the syllabus, the instructor will inform the student of this by the end of the second week of the course.
- Faculty will keep a record of attendance for each student to comply with federal financial aid guidelines.
- A course instructor may issue a failing grade to a student who has missed more than 15% of the classes for the course, and will notify the student of this decision. Absences caused by attending Viterbo related co-curricular or extracurricular activities or officially representing Viterbo University in another capacity will not be counted towards this 15%. The Viterbo University official responsible for the student’s activity during such events will notify other instructors of known required absences at least two weeks prior to the event. The notification will be communicated through the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness.
- Faculty may submit Starfish reports of student absence with each Starfish alert notification. Faculty are encouraged to submit Care Reports for students who are in need of additional support for academic and personal well being.
Students pursuing a degree at Viterbo University may wish to audit a course for personal or professional knowledge. Students who are auditing are not required to complete assignments or take examinations, but auditors are expected to attend classes. If their attendance is unsatisfactory, auditing students will be administratively withdrawn from the course. Students receive no credit for courses that they audit; a grade of “AU” is entered on their records. Audited courses do not count toward students’ degree requirements. To audit a course, students must complete an audit form obtained from the Office of the Registrar. The completed form includes the instructor’s signature, which signifies consent for the student to audit the course. Students must return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office no later than Friday of the first week of class. After the first week of classes, students may not change their course status from audit to credit. In exceptional circumstances a student may change the status of the course from credit to audit. In that case, students must file the paperwork no later than the midpoint of the class. Students may also repeat audited courses for credit in subsequent semesters. Students may not repeat courses for which credit was received as audited courses in subsequent semesters. The tuition and fees for audit courses are the same as for credit courses and count toward total enrolled credits in that semester for billing purposes.
Community members (non-degree seeking students) may also audit a course. The same policies and deadlines apply to non-degree auditors. Interested students should submit an online non-degree student application for initial entrance to Viterbo University. Non-degree students should check the current fee schedule, published in the class schedule, for rate.
Contact Hours
Viterbo defines one credit hour as 750 minutes over 15 weeks. In addition, each credit of a course requires that students spend two hours of work outside of class per week.
Regardless of format, all sections are required to meet the required credit hour standards by any combination of instructional time and outside work. Outside work could include additional outside reading, group work, service projects, field work, clinical rotations, among other learning activities.
Laboratory periods, clinical, internships, and practicums vary in length depending upon the requirements of the course. Normally one credit hour equals no less than 30 actual clock hours.
Minimum class and outside work time are calculated according to the following formula.
[750 + 1800] X the number of credits of a course =
the minimum number of minutes of instructional time and outside work required
For example: a three credit course requires a minimum of 7,650 total minutes.
Regular Contact Hour Spanning the Duration of the Course
Instructional activities begin on the scheduled start date and occur regularly (that is, at least weekly) until the scheduled end date of the course. For partially online or blended courses, the scheduled start date may or may not be the first face-to-face meeting of the course.
Credit Load
Full-time credit load for graduate students is a minimum of six credits during any academic term, including summer. To reflect reasonable expectations for successful learning and course completion, a student may not take more than 15 graduate credits per semester.
Double Numbered (“Slash”) Courses
Requirements for a slash-listed course (e.g., courses in which both graduate and undergraduate students attend the same class but receive credit under different course numbers) must be significantly different for students at different levels (e.g., undergraduate students, graduate students) enrolled in the same course. Students taking the courses as higher level courses are expected to meet higher-level expectations through additional work and/or higher standards.
Syllabi must clearly specify how the nature (quality and quantity) of the work expected of students and the criteria for evaluation of the work aligns with expectations of that degree level. Academic unit leaders (e.g., department chairs, program directors) are responsible for assuring that course syllabi within their unit meet this policy through timely audits of syllabi prior to distribution to students.
A double numbered or slash course completed at the undergraduate level may not be retaken at the graduate level.
Dual Degree Graduate Program Arrangements
The policy governs graduate dual degree program arrangements including: (1) dual master’s; and (2) dual master’s/doctoral program arrangements.
A dual degree program arrangement is an academic structure in which students pursue two separate degree programs and receive two separate program completion credentials (e.g., certificates, endorsements, degrees). Normally, a dual degree program arrangement integrates two academic fields that are sufficiently related to each other to make integration practical, yet are sufficiently distinct to avoid duplication.
Dual degree program arrangements allow graduate students to enhance their educational experience and study related fields simultaneously with identified efficiencies in time and cost. Dual degree program structures may combine degree programs between individual Viterbo University units, or with programs offered through other institutions.
Credit sharing is permitted. In crafting such arrangements, University faculty and administrators shall preserve the essential academic integrity of each underlying component degree program. Dual degree programs must be approved by the Viterbo University Graduate Council and meet the following requirements:
- Statement of Intent – Proposals for dual degree program arrangements must be accompanied by a written statement explaining:
- the academic purpose behind the degree program,
- the academic symmetries that exist between the underlying fields of study, and
- specifications concerning the composition of an advisory committee, with representation from both programs.
- Shared Credit Limit - A minimum of 50% of required credit hours must be unique to each degree and cannot be used for dual credit. Departments and programs may impose more stringent shared credit limits. An exception to the institutional credit sharing limit is that a Viterbo University certificate program may be double counted in its entirety within a Viterbo University degree program.
- Students must meet all curricular requirements of both programs (e.g., must pass all comprehensive exams, practica, clinicals, etc.).
- No dual degrees will be awarded retroactively.
A student’s scholarship rating in each subject is determined by the results of examinations, the general character of the student’s daily class work, and other methods of assessment of learning. Students view final grades via the online student information system, VitNet. The grading system follows:
A (4.0 grade points*) - Superior work. This indicates not only high achievement, but also unusual degree of initiative
AB (3.5 grade points) - Between A and B
B (3.0 grade points) - Higher achievement than average
BC (2.5 grade points) - Between B and C
C (2.0 grade points) - Average and satisfactory work
CD (1.5 grade points) - Between C and D
D (1.0 grade points) - Work fulfilling minimum requirements
F (0.0 grade points) - Failure in the course
W Withdrawn - Awarded to students who dropped a course after the second week of the semester (full semester class) or after 12.5% of the class has elapsed. In this case, credits count as attempted credits. The W will not be calculated towards grade point average. W grades will not be awarded if a student drops after 70% of the class has elapsed.
CR - Credit Granted (C or better work)
NC - No Credit Granted
AU - Audit (no credit)
I - Incomplete; student has done passing work but must still meet certain requirements before the grade can be determined.
NR - Not Recorded, Not calculated as part of grade point average, awarded with approval from the VPAAIE in extenuating circumstances. Attempted credit.
*Grade points are for each credit
Grade Appeal (Academic Review Process)
When grievances arise in regard to a course grade, the student should first discuss the matter with the individual faculty member. If a satisfactory conclusion is not achieved, the matter may be brought, in turn, to the respective department chairperson, school dean, and then to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. Matters still in dispute may finally be taken to the Board of Review. Formal, written grade appeals must be filed within the fourth week of the subsequent semester (fall, spring, and summer) following the finalization of grades in the Registrar’s Office and in accordance with procedures available in the student handbook.
Grade Point Average
The grade point average of a student’s work is the ratio of the grade points to the number of credits attempted. Courses taken under the credit/no credit option, courses with a W or NR grade, as well as courses completed at another institution are not included in the grade point average.
A grade of incomplete is given infrequently and only under unusual circumstances that are beyond the student’s control such as a serious illness or death in the family or unanticipated complications in an original research project. To be considered for an incomplete, the student must have at least 50% of the course work complete and have a passing grade in the course. Students will find the form to request a grade of incomplete on the registrar’s office Web page. The student must seek the approval of the instructor, department chair, and dean or Vice President for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. The completed form with approving signatures needs to be submitted to the registrar’s office by the last class period (not the final exam day).
The student is responsible for completing the required course work by the agreed upon deadline. The instructor is responsible for submitting a replacement grade to the Registrar’s Office. If the incomplete grade is not removed and the replacement grade from the instructor is not on file in the Registrar’s Office by mid-semester of the subsequent semester or summer session, the incomplete grade converts to an F.
Independent Study
Independent study is one way Viterbo University students can enjoy individualized learning. Independent study allows students to proceed at their own pace and take more responsibility for their own learning. Since independent study requires initiative and allows for considerable freedom, students should plan the proposed study carefully with help from the directing faculty. The same number of student/faculty contact hours as a regular course must be maintained. The plan must be approved by the academic advisor, department chair, and dean of the discipline of the independent study. Students must complete this form and file it with the Office of the Registrar upon registration, but no later than the end of the first week of classes for the term of the independent study. Students must complete the work of the independent study within the semester they register for the course. Over the course of their Viterbo University career, students may take a maximum of six credits of independent study.
Independent study courses may be of three types:
- Directed study, research and/or readings in an area that is not included in the regular course offerings. (The course appears on a student’s transcript with the title Independent Study.)
For undergraduate independent study, the directing faculty member and student will decide if the course should be for lower- or upper-division credit. The student will register for the agreed upon 288 (undergraduate lower division), 488 (undergraduate upper division), or 588/788 (graduate) credit.
- Departure from the regular credit value of a course, such as independent work on one portion of an existing course. (The course appears on a student’s transcript with the title Independent Study.)
For undergraduate independent study, the directing faculty member and student will decide if the course should be for lower- or upper-division credit. The student will register for the agreed upon 288 (undergraduate lower division), 488 (undergraduate upper division), or 588/788 (graduate) credit.
- The independent study of a course listed in the current university catalog.
Students may ordinarily undertake this third option only under special circumstances. (The course appears on a student’s transcript by its catalog title prefaced with IS.) Students may not take a course as an independent study if it is listed in the current class schedule. The level of the course will determine what level of independent study the student will register for: 288 (undergraduate lower division), 488 (undergraduate upper division).
Leave of Absence
Graduate students may need to stop continuous enrollment for various reasons and should speak with their advisor about their decision. Semester-based program students who will not be taking a course the subsequent semester, but intend to return to Viterbo to complete a program should register for NENR-000 the subsequent semester/summer session(s). This will allow for the students’ technology accounts and student records to remain active. Students will not be billed tuition for this course, nor will they receive financial aid or attendance verification.
The student may register for NENR-000 for a maximum of three continuous semesters/terms (fall, spring, summer). The student is responsible for registering for the NENR-000 via VitNet or Student Planning for each subsequent term, prior to the end of the first week of the subsequent term. After the third semester of NENR-000, the students’ record and technology accounts will be deactivated. Students wishing to return to complete a program/degree, and are eligible to do so, will need to complete the reentry process and will be subject to the catalog and requirements at the time of reentry.
Medical Leave of Absence
In the event that a student needs to leave campus for an extended period of medical treatment, either physical or psychological, the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students may grant them a medical leave of absence that lasts for longer than a continuous year in accordance with the following guidelines.
- If the student returns after three full, consecutive semesters, including summer, they will come into the current catalog at the time of re-entry.
- The student returns to the same program (major) as was declared upon last day of attendance.
- The student is not considered an officially enrolled student when not registered for any courses.
- The request for medical leave must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students, the Director of Counseling Services and Health Services at or prior to the time the student is requesting the medical leave.
- Only the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students may grant medical leave, but they will consider the recommendation of the Director of Counseling and Health Services, or other appropriate health care providers.
- There may be financial implications to the decision to take a Medical Leave of Absence. Therefore, the student is strongly encouraged to talk with the Financial Aid Office regarding specific financial implications. Financial payments to Viterbo University will be reimbursed in accordance with University policy.
- The student is responsible for completing a Transfer Course Approval form if they decide to complete coursework at another institution during the leave of absence.
In order to initiate reentry to Viterbo after medical leave a student must obtain the permission of the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students. To obtain permission from Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students the student will need to:
- Submit a written request to return from medical leave of absence the Director of Counseling and Health Services, or Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students. This request can be in the form of an email or word document stating that, “I (student name) am making a formal request to return to Viterbo University.”
- Receive the necessary medical treatment.
- Provide medical documentation from the appropriate healthcare provider indicating that the student is fit to return to Viterbo.
The Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students will make the decision whether or not to approve the student to reenter Viterbo in consultation with either the Director of Counseling and Health Services, depending on the reasons for the leave. Viterbo reserves the right to require additional consultations between the student and appropriate health care professionals. Upon obtaining the approval of the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students, a student may formally apply for reentry according policies outline on the university website.
Military Deployment and Training
Summary: Viterbo University celebrates the contributions made by members of the armed forces and their families. The following policy applies to students serving in a branch of the armed forces and called to active duty, including state activation of members of the National Guard or military Reserve units. This policy also applies to students who are spouses of activated service members as well as those active in ROTC.
Primary Contacts: Advising & Career Development will serve as the main contact for this policy. They can be reached at
- Deployment / Training orders: Student must supply a copy of their official military orders to the Director of Military Student Success (MSS) within 5 business dates of receipt. The director will work with the student to complete the Deployment/Training Notification Form
- Non-order generating events (i.e. drills, ROTC training). Students who must attend short-term training exercises must supply a copy of their training schedules and complete the Deployment/Training Notification Form in concert with the Director of Military Student Success within the first week of the semester. This will notify instructors of training events. If a student does not have a copy of their training schedule, they must supply a memorandum for record from their unit commander within the first week of the semester.
- Notification of deployment or training will occur in the following sequence:
If a student or the military spouse of a student is called to duty after the beginning of a semester, the student must choose one of the options outlined below before they or their spouse departs for duty.
Students must first complete the Military Deployment/Training Notification Form in concert with the Director of Military Student Success. Every effort will be made, in consultation with faculty and/or deans and department chairs, to accommodate short-term absences due to short-term deployments, ROTC training exercises, and National Guard or reserve drill beginning and ending during the same semester. Advising and Career Development staff will work with each student to determine if any online or other course enrollment for subsequent terms is possible while the student or their spouse is deployed.
- Withdrawal: The student may work with the Director of Military Student Success to withdraw from the current semester’s courses and/or the University.
- Partial Withdrawal: The student may work with their advisor to withdraw from some, but not all, courses. Please see the refund policy below.
- Continued Enrollment with Accommodation: At the discretion of the faculty members concerned, a student may continue one or more courses using communication means available (Moodle, email, etc.) to request an accommodation or may elect to request an “incomplete” grade in some or all courses in accordance with the Viterbo University Graduate and Undergraduate catalogs. All charges and financial aid pertaining to the courses in which the student continues enrollment will remain. If a student is requesting accommodation or an incomplete, the student must complete the Enrollment Options section with their course instructors. The section will clearly define the agreed upon accommodation between the student and instructor or the student will indicate that they will apply for an Incomplete grade. NOTE: The student must meet incomplete grade requirements in accordance with the Graduate or Undergraduate course catalogs. A copy of the will be provided to each instructor, the student, Advising and Career Development, and Military Student Success. An electronic copy of the plan will become a part of the student’s academic record. If the student elects to receive an incomplete, the student must meet the Incomplete grade criteria, and apply to receive an incomplete as directed within the Graduate and Undergraduate catalogs.
- Students who will be absent from campus will be expected to move their belongings out of the residence hall unless special arrangements have been made with the Residence Life staff. Arrangements will be formalized, and a copy of residence arrangements will be provided to Residence Life staff and the student.
- Additionally, students are eligible for the prorated refund of housing and meal plan fees based on Residence Life adjustments to the housing and meal plan dates in the university system.
- Residence Life-related questions may be directed to
- Full Withdrawal Prior to Start of Semester: If a student, or their spouse, is called to duty prior to the beginning of a semester they will receive a 100% refund of all tuition and fees, including deposits and all housing and meal plan charges. Students may elect to have their deposits applied to a future term.
- Full Withdrawal After Semester Start: Students choosing this option will receive a full refund of tuition and fees and the prorated refund of housing and meal plan costs based on residence life adjustments to the housing and meal plan dates in the university system.
- Partial Withdrawal After Semester Start: Students who choose partial withdrawal will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees only for those courses from which they withdraw and only if their course load drops below the minimum credits in the fee plateau, i.e., drops below 12 credits for undergraduate students. Refund of housing and meal plan fees will be prorated based on residence life adjustments to the housing and meal plan dates in the university system.
- If a military student or the military spouse of a student is called to duty, they may make arrangements with only some of the student's instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for course refunded.
- Questions about refunds should be directed to the University Business Office (Attn: Student Billing) at
- Students will not be responsible for repayment of unearned federal grants to the U.S. Department of Education.
- Perkins and Nursing Loan recipients must request a military deferment from the University Accounting Service.
- Direct Loan recipients should contact their loan servicer to request a military deferment.
- Questions can be directed to Financial Aid at
- If a military student or the military spouse of a student is called to duty prior to the beginning of a semester, they will have no academic record for that semester.
- If a student or the military spouse of a student is called to duty after the beginning of a semester, and if the student elects to fully withdraw from the University within the first eight weeks (for full semester classes), their records will not reflect a course registered for that semester. A class withdrawn after the first eight weeks (full semester classes) will show the notation: "W”. There is a prorated drop schedule for less than full semester courses. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at for additional information.
- Permission of the instructor is required for each course in which the student wishes to receive an “incomplete” grade. In addition to submitting the “Request for Incomplete Grade” form, a formalized plan to complete the course will need to be developed by the student and instructor. A copy of this plan will be provided to the instructor, student, advisor, and the program director. An electronic copy of this plan will be a part of the student’s academic file. If a military student, or the military spouse of a student, is called to duty, they may make arrangements with only some of the student's instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for course refunded.
Program Evaluation
Students will be asked to provide input and evaluation at various intervals during their program of studies and after graduation. Course evaluations will be done at the end of each course. Instructor evaluations will be completed at scheduled intervals. Interim/midpoint assessments may be conducted to allow students to reflect on their progress toward meeting the graduate outcomes and indicate their satisfaction with the program. Student input for quality improvement is always welcome by instructors, advisors, directors, and deans.
Registration for subsequent semesters is completed via VitNet or Student Planning, the online student information system. Registration for spring typically occurs in early November and for fall in early April. Students are expected to see their advisor prior to registration to discuss their course selection and obtain their registration time. All coursework must be registered for the term in which the work is done. Students must confirm their enrollment in the business office prior to the beginning of the semester. Students who have pre-registered for classes but decide not to attend Viterbo University must contact the Director of Academic Advising and Career Development of the change in plans prior to the beginning of the semester. Students are liable for all charges until this official notification is made. The registration deadline is Aug. 15 for the fall semester, Jan. 1 for the spring semester, and May 1 for the summer session.
Schedule changes (add or drop) may be made via the VitNet Self-Service online system during the first week of class (full semester class). After week one, course adds must be approved by the instructor (full semester class). A course may be dropped in the second week of classes (full semester class) or until 12.5% of the class has elapsed. If a student drops a class during this period, no grade will be given and the course will not be considered attempted credit. After week one, all drops must be made through the REG Change of Schedule form.
Repeating Courses
The following policy applies only to courses that are not repeatable for further credit, and does not override the right of any program/department to set policies that restrict the repetition of their courses:
Students may take a course no more than three times. Each grade is listed on the permanent record. Unless the course is repeatable for credit, only the last grade is used in computing the grade point average. Repeating courses may affect financial aid, academic progress, and athletics eligibility. Grades from courses repeated at other institutions to replace grades earned at Viterbo University will not be used in computing the grade point average. Students must seek approval before taking a course at another institution.
Research Collection
Protocol for Graduate Culminating Scholarship Submissions and Submission Process can be found on the library web page.
The Viterbo Research Collection accepts complete, final and accepted culminating scholarship projects from students in Viterbo University graduate programs. Projects must include a completed signature page in order to be accepted into the collection.
Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
Respect of others, responsibility for one's behavior and adherence to standard of conduct are essential to building a safe and healthy university community. Therefore, sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at Viterbo University, as it is a crime and a serious violation of trust, dignity, and rights. Sexual misconduct shows disregard for standards outlined in the Viterbo University Code of Student Conduct, state, and federal law.
At Viterbo University, force, coercion, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation are considered forms of sexual misconduct. A definition of each term can be found in the headings on the left side of this webpage. Additionally, consent is essential in the prevention of sexual misconduct and requires speech indicating a freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or participate in sexual activities. Silence, previous sexual relationships, or current relationships are not an indication of consent. The use of alcohol or drugs may limit the capacity to give consent. (A college study with 119 schools participating nationwide reported alcohol involved in nearly 72 percent of rapes. Harvard School of Public Health, 2004).
A student or employee charged with sexual misconduct may be disciplined under the Viterbo University Code of Student Conduct and/or prosecuted under Wisconsin criminal statutes. Viterbo University may pursue disciplinary action independent of the criminal system which may result in removal from the university. Results of campus disciplinary proceedings involving sex offenses are provided to the person filing the report as well as the accused. The Vice President for Student Affairs will assist persons who have been assaulted in making necessary changes to academic schedules, housing assignments, etc. Please be aware of the difference between reporting groups and understand that non-confidential resources are required by law to report the act of sexual misconduct so an investigation can take place.
Resources and Supports
Confidential Viterbo Support Resources
Justin McKnight, Director of Counseling Services |
Murphy Center 368 |
608-796-3808, |
Amber Weber, Health Services Coordinator |
Murphy Center 340 |
608-796-3806, |
Fr. Conrad Targonski, Dir. of Campus Ministry and University Chaplin |
Campus Ministry Center |
608-796-3904, |
*These employees will report the incident of sexual misconduct, but will omit any identifying information.
Confidential Community Resources
Mayo Franciscan Healthcare Safe Path |
608-392-7804 |
Mayo Franciscan Healthcare SANE Nurses |
608-392-9720 |
Gundersen Sexual Assault Services |
608-775-5950 |
Gundersen Sexual Abuse Counseling and Support Services |
608-775-3845 |
Great Rivers 211 Information and Referral Hotline |
Dial 211 or 1-800-362-8255 |
New Horizons Shelter for Battered Women |
608-791-2600 |
Student Bereavement Policy
Viterbo University recognizes that a time of bereavement can be difficult for a student. Therefore, the university provides a Student Bereavement Policy for students facing the loss of a family member.
In the event that a student experiences a death of an immediate family member or relative as defined below, the student may be excused from class for funeral leave, subsequent bereavement, and/or travel considerations for 3 academic days, which need not be consecutive. If additional days of excused absence are needed for cultural or other reasons, the student may submit this request to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students.
Students who opt to use the Bereavement Procedure may be granted up to 3 days of excused absence from class to mourn the loss of immediate family members or relatives. This could include:
- spouse or domestic partner
- parent, step-parent, or parent-in-law
- guardian
- child, step-child
- brother, step-brother or brother-in-law
- sister, step-sister, or sister-in-law
- aunt, uncle
- grandparents
- grandchildren
In the event that a death occurs to a family member or friend that is not specifically covered by the policy, students can communicate the circumstances to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students to determine on a case by case basis if it is covered by this policy.
To request bereavement leave, a student must notify the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students by email, phone or in person and, upon request, provide documentation. Upon approval, the Director or representative from the Center for Student Success will contact the student’s advisor, and faculty for each of the student’s courses. Additionally, students are encouraged to contact their instructors prior to their absences.
Missed Academic Work
Upon notification of the absence from the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, each faculty member shall excuse the student from class according to this policy and provide an opportunity to complete missed exams, quizzes, and other required work. The student is responsible for all material covered in class and must work with each individual professor to complete any required work.
Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure
At any point during the student’s original bereavement leave, the student may decide to request a leave of absence, withdraw from classes or seek incompletes for courses. Students are required to work with the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students on any of these requests and each request is subject to university policy as defined in the Viterbo University Undergraduate Catalog.
Student Records
Right to Privacy
Viterbo University annually informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended.
This act, with which the institution intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with The Family Educational Policy Compliance Office concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the act.
Local policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the act. A copy of the policy may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. This office also maintains a directory of records which lists all education records maintained on students by this institution.
Viterbo University hereby designates the following student information as public or “directory information.” Such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion—name; address (home, local/campus, and email); telephone listings; date of birth/age; major/minor field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of athletic team members; dates of attendance; full-time/part-time status; photograph; registration course schedule; class level; academic level; degrees/academic recognitions/awards received; name/address/occupation of parent/guardian/spouse; and educational institutions or agencies attended. Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in the Office of the Registrar by the end of the second week of each semester and the first week of summer school. Forms requesting the withholding of “directory information” are available through the Office of the Registrar.
Viterbo University assumes that failure on the part of any student to request specifically the withholding of “directory information” indicates individual approval for disclosure.
As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities ("Federal and State Authorities") may allow access to records and PII without consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is "principally engaged in the provision of education," such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to the education records and PII without consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when Viterbo University objects to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without consent PII from education records, and they may track participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.
Student Right to Know
In compliance with the Student Right to Know Act, the graduation/completion rates of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time undergraduate students entering Viterbo University with a completion rate of 150 percent of normal time to complete an educational program must be published.
Technology (Use of)
All semester-based students are given a Moodle, email account, and VitNet account. Moodle is Viterbo University’s online course management software for most programs.
The assigned email address is used throughout the length of the student’s time at Viterbo University and is the official means of communication to students. Students are responsible for reviewing all information transmitted to their Viterbo account, and are advised to check it daily.
A transcript is a complete and unabridged copy of all academic work attempted at Viterbo University and work accepted in transfer to Viterbo. Course and grade information contained on the transcript are released only upon written consent from the student as required by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. A transcript will not be mailed as a result of a telephone call, email, or Fax request. Records from other schools will not be photocopied or sent elsewhere. There is a per transcript fee.
The Viterbo University transcript does not include any academic standing notations. The transcript will, however, include a notation if the student has been expelled from the institution.
Transfer Credit Policy/Transfer Students
Viterbo’s graduate programs welcome applications from students attending, or having attended, other regionally accredited graduate programs. In cases where a specific agreement is held between Viterbo University and a non-regionally accredited institution for transfer between graduate programs, credit will be transferred in accordance with the agreement. Transfer students will be considered for admission as long as they have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0/4.0, are free to return to their previous college or university, and are considered to be in good academic standing both at their previous school and at Viterbo University.
Transfer applicants shall follow admission requirements set forth above. Individual consideration will be granted in the awarding of transfer credits by the specific program. Transfer credits must have been completed within the timeframe specified by the program. In order to be considered for transfer, the grade earned must be at least a B and fulfill program requirements. Only letter-graded coursework is accepted in transfer.
Students who wish to transfer credits must have an official transcript sent to the Viterbo University Registrar after the completion of the graduate course. Courses will be evaluated for equivalency, and the director will provide written notification of acceptance of transfer credit to the student. Students enrolled in a graduate program at Viterbo University who wish to take a course at another institution must obtain prior approval from the program director to ensure the course will be transferred into the program.
Undergraduate Student Enrollment in Graduate Courses
Undergraduate students, in bachelor degree seeking programs, may enroll in a maximum of nine graduate credits. Students must be approved by the graduate program to enroll in the graduate course(s). The credit is designated as graduate credit on a graduate transcript. The credits will not appear on an undergraduate transcript and will not be included in the undergraduate credit totals.
Maximum student credit load for dual enrollment (graduate/undergraduate) is 16 credit hours for a semester or summer term. Students can enroll in no more than six graduate credits in the semester and no more than a total of 10 credits in an accelerated format (not full semester courses).
To be registered for the graduate course(s), undergraduate students must submit an add form with the graduate program director’s approval to the registrar’s office, by published registration deadlines for the semester. The student’s undergraduate tuition and fees are charged, and these graduate credits are counted as part of the student's course load in determining full-time status.
Withdrawal from Viterbo University
A student who wishes to withdraw completely from the university during a semester must complete an official withdrawal form and meet with their academic advisor. The official date of withdrawal is the day the form is received in the Office of the Registrar. This process must be completed prior to the withdrawal period for W grades to be awarded (70% of the course elapsed). Any applicable refunds for courses less than 15 weeks in length are prorated according to the tuition refund deadline dates. A student who wishes to re-enter for any subsequent term must complete a re-entry application form for re-acceptance. Failing grades are recorded for students who do not officially withdraw from the university.