Mentorship Program

Volunteer as a Mentor!

The Dahl School of Business Mentor Program is an opportunity for Viterbo University’s business students to be matched with a professional who serves as a source of advice, insight, and encouragement in preparing for their career. The expectation is for mentors and mentees to meet three times per semester with the option to continue for multiple semesters.

Our Aim

Although each mentor relationship will be unique, our goal is to include:

  • an opportunity for students to seek counsel and ask questions related to life as a professional in a safe and supportive context.
  • a learning experience based on discussions of life experiences and knowledge of the mentor.
  • assistance in establishing personal and professional goals and developing strategies to achieve them.

Thank you for your interest. We greatly appreciate the giving of your time to serve the next generation of business leaders.

Please fill out the survey form and we will be in touch with more information. Also see the Mentor Guide for information.


Interested? Please Contact: