Remembering the 1960s
Here are some highlights and milestones from the 1960s:
1960: Grace McDonald, FSPA, was appointed as Viterbo’s fourth president.
1961: Viterbo hired its first full-time lay faculty members
1966: Grace Clare Beznouz, FSPA, was appointed to lead the Viterbo nursing program. A dorm addition and dining facilities opened on campus.
1969: The first male students were admitted to Viterbo College. the 472 female students enrolled in fall semester were joined by three male students.
Distinguished Alumni Award Winners from the 1960s
Class of 1960: Malinda Gerke, FSPA
Class of 1961: Rose Ann (Mashak) Kazmierczak; Rosalbo Bueno-Osawa; Annette (Duren) Scherbert
Class of 1962: A. Diane Moeller; Karolee (Hogden) Sowle, SFSN
Class of 1963: Carolyn Hogan; Eileen (Sullivan) Schrager; Sandra (Dutcher) Schwalbe; Agnes Tan; Colleen Walsh
Class of 1964: Marilyn Brodie; Rochelle Potaracke, FSPA
Class of 1965: Janice Bahr; Thea Bowman, FSPA; Helen Elsbernd, FSPA; Mary Ann Gschwind, FSPA; Antona Schedlo
Class of 1966: Rose Kreutz; Doris Murphy, OSB; Carole Plante
Class of 1967: Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA
Class of 1969: Patricia (Majarrez) Hoch; Sandra Hoeser; Sue Schmitt; Barbara Weber; Darlene (Eberhardt) Wolfe
Alumni Plaza Supporters
1960: Rosemarie (Fritz) Smith
1961: Joan (Biebel) Buckley, Sandy (Subera) Cesnik, and Mardell (Gerleman) Corcoran
1962: Joan (Wernke) Antony, Grace (Brogan) Costello, SFSN, Patricia (Hughes) McLoone, Rita (Walsh) Modjeski, Maureen (Quillin) Monk, SFSN, and Donna Reichwein-Kampa
1963: Joyce (Streveler) Athmann, Ellen (Klimesh) Martell, and Agnes Tan
1964: Alice (Troendle) Clemments, Sheila (Walsh) Loftus, Nancy (Auer) Smick, SFSN, and Madonna (Bilderback) Witter
1965: Jane (Downey) Bacha, Patricia (Conway) Becker and Sue Ann (Mashak) Thompson
1966: Loraine (Wannarka) Mulock, SFSN, and Elizabeth (Troendle) Shew
1967: Susan (Chapiewsky) Adams, Ethyll (Henry) Call, Sharon (Mueller) Dodds, Mary (Tan) Fong, Elaine (McCoy) Gran, Chryl (Wood) Horstman, SFSN, Juanita (Maule) Konkel, Margaret Lansing, and Jenny Lou (Ott) Plesums
1968: Cassandra (Schleich) Bissen and JoCarol (McGarvey) Farmer
1969: Kathryn (Anderson) Dose, Kathleen (Maher) Haettinger, Patricia (Majarrez) Hoch, Sandra Hoeser, Carol (Wannarka) Hoff, Bernadette Martin, Alice (Judd) Smith '69, and Lin (Van Lannen) Sugden