Student Support Services/TRIO
The Hub Mission Graphic
TRIO logo
The Student Support Services program (TRIO) is an academic support program funded by the United States Department of Education. Student Support Services is designed to assist students who are first generation, low income, or have diagnosed disabilities. The goal of the program is to increase graduation and retention rates. You are considered a first generation student if neither of your parents has a bachelor's degree.
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Mission Statement

In accordance with the Viterbo University mission statement, the Student Support Services (TRIO) program provides for qualified students academic, personal, career, and social opportunities to facilitate success at Viterbo University.



    Ryan Russell - Director - TRIO/Student Support Services
    Melissa Growt - Academic Counselor - Academic Resource Center
    Meghan Mullin - Writing Specialist - Academic Resource Center
    Kaylin Kalk - Reading/Writing Specialist - Academic Resource Center
    Beth Gaedy - Math Specialist - Academic Resource Center
    Jenna Eichberger - Career Specialist - Career Services


    • Identify students who meet one of the following eligibility criteria:
      First-generation college student, qualifying income, or diagnosed disability
    • Provide services that promote retention and graduation of qualified students
    • Encourage academic development through classes, workshops, tutoring, advising, and faculty collaboration
    • Provide academic and social opportunities for students to interact with other students
    • Foster supportive relationships between students and staff
    • Promote attendance at cultural activities
    • Provide personal and career counseling
    • Offer financial literacy programs
      • Individualized appointments with advisors and writing, reading, and math specialists
      • TRIO (ARC Professional staff) advisors in conjunction with faculty advisors
      • Assistance in building study skills and strategies necessary for success in college
      • Assistance in improving writing, reading, and math skills through professional and peer tutoring
      • Individual and small group peer tutoring in specific courses
      • Academic monitoring through the use of Starfish alerts
      • Assistance in participation in campus life
      • Reimbursement for culturally related activities on and off campus
      • Accommodations for students with diagnosed disabilities
      • Career and personal counseling
      • Laptop loan
      • Scholarship information
      • Mentoring by successful upperclassmen involved in SSS
      • Assistance with arranging internships and participating in other career events to enhance marketability
      • Special events to promote community building among SSS members
      • Informational presentations on topics related to personal and academic success
      Frequently Asked Questions

      Click here for answers to "Frequently Asked Questions"

      For more information, contact:
      Student Support Services
      Murphy Center 332
      900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601