SSS - Frequently Asked Questions
What is Student Support Services (TRIO)?   An academic support program funded by the United States Department of Education.
 Who can participate?   SSS is funded to serve 200 students who are first generation, low income, and/or have a diagnosed disability.
Who is a first-generation college student?   Any student whose parents did not graduate with a bachelor’s degree.
What is the purpose of SSS?   The goal is to increase student retention and graduation by offering additional supportive services and outreach, such as advising, tutoring, and mentoring. The SSS staff are advocates for students and serve as unofficial academic advisors.
How do I join SSS?   Complete an application to determine if you qualify. Students will be added to the program as space is available. Students are generally admitted to the program early in their academic program (i.e., when freshmen or sophomores).
What are the benefits of being a member of SSS?  

There are a number of services that are only offered to SSS members:
   i. Support from an SSS advisor;
  ii. Grant aid for select students;
 iii. Free tickets to Fine Arts Center events and the possibility of partial funding for other academic and cultural activities;
  iv. Peer coaching;
   v. Educational and social programming, with some offering prizes

What is expected of me as a member of SSS?   In order to benefit the most from SSS, you should actively participate in the program. The first step is to meet with your SSS advisor, and together you can determine which services would most assist you in achieving your educational goals.
How long will I remain in SSS?   As long as you are an undergraduate student at Viterbo.
How do I get free tickets or partial funding for cultural or academic events?  

For performances at the Fine Arts Center, simply show your student ID at the box office and let them know you are part of SSS; they have a list of students and will give you a free ticket.

For partial reimbursement for other events, please check with your SSS advisor for prior approval.

What if I have additional questions?   Please contact us at