ARC Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the ARC located?   332 Murphy Center
When is the ARC open?   Monday  - Tuesday and Thursday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30. Wednesday 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Who uses the Academic Resource Center (ARC)?    On average, 73% of Viterbo undergraduate students and: 81% Sem I; 73% Sem II  athletes were served in 2021-22
What services does the ARC offer?   Tutoring, workshops, test proctoring, developmental classes, TRIO advising, and study strategies assistance
Do the ARC services cost anything?   There is no cost to Viterbo students.
Am I able to access services if I am an off-campus or online Viterbo student?    Yes. Math and Writing Assistance is available online as well as face-to-face.
Why do students use the ARC?   
  • to strengthen knowledge in a subject area
  • to be supported in their success
  • because advisors are approachable and champion students' success
  • to get the academic assistance needed
What do I do if I am a student with a documented disability?      You will need to complete the form for accommodations.  More info can be found here. Additional questions can be submitted to
In which classes can I receive tutoring?      All Viterbo courses
How is tutoring offered?  
  •  In small group, supplemental instruction (SI), individual, or drop-in formats
  • Undergraduate writing tutoring can be scheduled through Starfish Connect by clicking here.
  • Graduate writing tutoring is offered primarily online. Students should complete the Graduate Writing Assistance form. For questions, email
How do I request a tutor?   
  • Click here to complete a tutoring request form.
  • Supplemental instruction and drop-in tutoring times are advertised each semester and do not require prior sign up. 
When is tutoring offered?   
  • Supplemental instruction and drop-in times are announced each semester and offered at a variety of times.
  • Small group tutoring times are arranged based on your indicated availability on the tutoring request form.
  • Math and Writing tutoring is offered by appointment. 
Who are the tutors?    The ARC uses student tutors. Student tutors are recommended by course instructors and have achieved a B or better in the course they are tutoring.
How do I become a tutor? Are tutors paid?     
  • Student tutors need to achieved a B or better in any course they wish to tutor.
  • They must be recommended by faculty and attend tutor training.
  • Tutors are paid.

For more information, please go to the Becoming a Tutor link.

Who may take a test in the ARC?   
  • Students with academic accommodations may test in the arc, as well as students who have missed, or will miss a test due to illness, athletics or other reason.
  • All tests must be scheduled at least 1 full business day in advance to allow ARC staff enough time to ensure each student has all the resources they require, and to give the instructor sufficient time to send the test to the ARC.
What are the test taking hours?      Exams are proctored Monday - Thursday  8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Exams must be completed 15 minutes prior to closing.
How do I arrange to take a test in the ARC?    All testing is scheduled through Starfish.  From your "My Success Network" page, scroll down to "Arc Testing" and click on the "Schedule" option.  From here, you can choose from the available options that work for you.  All time slots will initially show up as 15 minutes, but on the next page, you can click "change duration" to extend the time for what you need.  Please be sure to select which class this is for, for ARC staff benefit.  You will still need to communicate with your instructor what time you've set your appointment for so that they can send the test to the ARC in time.
Additional Questions? Please contact the ARC at or 608-796-3190.