Represents an opportunity for doctoral students to continue the development of their counseling skills and expand their scope of practice. Students will complete at least 100 hours of clinical work, of which 40 hours must be in direct service with clients.

Provides an advanced study of theory and approaches to the appraisal of individual and groups within the helping process. Students will increase their knowledge and skills relative to the identification and utilization of standardized client assessment tools in the counselors scope of practice.

Presents the knowledge and skills necessary to interact with health care providers regarding the implications of common and chronic medical illnesses and research on stress and health within a mind-body perspective. Behavioral health models of care and evidence-based interventions will be discussed, as well as health promotion, lifestyle, and career decision making across a broad and multicultural adult population.

The focus of this course builds on the foundational ethical knowledge and examines a range of contemporary ethical issues in counseling and the intersectionality with the legal system. Ethical decision making models and the development of ethical responsibility within professional practice will be explored.

The internship course provides opportunities to perform most of the activities of a counselor educator. The internship opportunities will include at least three of the five following areas: clinical practice, teaching, research, supervision, and leadership and advocacy. Students will gain 600 total hours of experience. This course may be repeated for credit until the total intership hours is achieved and 6 credit hours completed. Consent of instructor required.

This course provides independent reading and/or research, at the post-master degree level, under the direction of a faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. May be repeated for credit.

The internship includes most of the activities of an employed professional in the setting. The 700 hours may be allocated at the discretion of the doctoral advisor and the student on the basis of experience and training. Consent of the instructor is required. Prerequisite: 780, 785.

Supports and guides students in the development and completion of their dissertation. This is a relevant scholarly contribution, designed and conducted under the supervision of a research committee. Dissertation credits are taken over three semesters. Prerequisites: 710, 712, 714, 770.

Explores the intersection between teaching and learning theories as they relate to best practices for the clinical training of counselors across a variety of modalities, formats, and settings. The assessment of the skill level of counselors-in-training will also be explored. Prerequisite: 725.

Provides an overview of the theories and research pertaining to group leadership, composition, selection, intervention, termination, evaluation, and follow-up. Students develop a written description of their group counseling approach and have concurrent supervised group counseling experiences. Prerequisite: 730.