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Up Close with Mary Ellen Haupert

Professor of Music Mary Ellen Haupert has served at Viterbo University for 25 years. She founded the One-of-a-Kind Chamber music series in 2008. “I love teaching music,” she said.
Col. Beth Sumner

Beth Sumner Takes Nursing to New Heights

Over her 25 years in the U.S. Air Force, Col. Beth Sumner ’95 has seen the world, serving her country on every continent but Australia and Antarctica and racking up a mountain of frequent flyer miles. It’s all thanks to a Viterbo career fair she attended as a junior nursing major.
Jervie Windom

Jervie Windom Is a Man with a Mission

Jervie Windom '15 was near the end of his military career when he decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Servant Leadership degree at Viterbo. Since retiring as master sergeant, he started a church near Houston, Texas, but his ministry can't be contained by the church walls.

From Viterbo, Chad Milne Launched High-Flying Career 

When Chad Milne ’94 joined the Wisconsin National Guard as a high school junior, he didn’t plan on making a career of it. “Once I got in the Guard, though, it became more about the mission at hand, and then it became more about the camaraderie and the people I worked with,” said Milne, a combat fighter pilot who retired as a colonel. 
Dillon McArdle returns to Viterbo Fine Arts Center

Encore: McArdle Returns to Fine Arts Center

If not for a friend’s encouragement and a summer work study job, Dillon McArdle ’06, the new director of Viterbo’s Fine Arts Center, might have taken a very different path in life.