Assessment, learning style, motivation, active participation, cooperative learning, brain research, multiple intelligences. This course will help educators put isolated pieces of information together in order to create conditions for learning. We will connect strategies with recent brain research and connect that to the principles of lesson design. The ultimate outcome will be increased student learning.
This course is designed to give teachers the opportunity to explore other cultures in order to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity within our classrooms. This course will examine multicultural literature, parental involvement, lesson planning, and hands-on experiences. This course will also examine cultural definitions and history along with belief and value systems. It will provide participants the opportunity to focus on making adjustments in curriculum and instruction in order to challenge all learners.
This course will examine the areas of brain research, differentiation, and multiple intelligence. Overviews of each topic will be discussed with in-depth reading/discussion for participants that are not yet familiar with these topics. This course will explore how teachers can incorporate new research into already developed lesson plans. This allows teachers to feel that new information or ideas can fit into curriculum already in place, without feeling the need to add just one more thing to an already packed agenda.
This course is designed for teachers of grades K-5 and will identify multicultural literature, which promotes multicultural teaching and learning. The purpose of this course is to involve teachers in literature, which acknowledges diverse backgrounds. Teachers will learn to use childrens literature to teach multicultural awareness. This course will emphasize activities through all areas of the curriculum including language arts, math, social studies, science, and the arts.
This course will explore the current development and practice of adolescent literacy in a changing world. Globalization means middle and high school students will find themselves in a world that requires ingenuity, imagination, and empathy, and will require employees who are willing to take risks and work cooperatively. With this in mind, this course will use a variety of texts to synthesize literacy strategies about reading, writing, speaking and thinking in the adolescent world, including how to adapt to the increase of technology in everyday use.
Effective preventive and corrective strategies are examined in the context of developing a classroom management style that promotes the growth of responsible behavior within the learning environment. The outcomes of reward and punishment management will be thoroughly analyzed and replaced with a non-coercive style.
The relationships between the teacher and her/his students, between students and their work, and between the students themselves have a direct effect on the amount of learning that takes place. This class focuses on teaching effective problem-solving strategies using the Choice Theory communication model. This model helps students take more responsibility and ownership over their learning and behavior. It also helps them to be more successful in all the areas of their lives.
Development of a knowledge base and the skills necessary to help students become high quality self-assessors. Strategies to move from inspectorship management to student self-management will be developed. Principles of Control Theory will be introduced to assist students in taking more effective control of their lives.
Development of the basic concepts for the creation of a quality managed classroom. Three critical areas of quality management will be explored: 1) building a quality classroom work, 2) defining quality classroom work, 3) creating quality classroom relationships.
Principles of corrective reading instruction, diagnostic instruments and procedures, effective strategies, and materials for correcting reading difficulties in grades 5-12 from individual to group and from formal to informal to alternative are covered. Profienciency in prescribing and communicating corrective instructional reading and writing plans and activities to support childrens reading and writing development will be studied. Restricted to students admitted to reading licensure/endorsement program.