Three hours lecture/four hours lab per week. An introduction to the theoretical and practical fundamentals of analytical chemistry. Lecture includes statistical evaluation of analytical data, acid-base equilibria, reduction-oxidation equilibria, and the principles of spectroscopic and chromatographic analysis. Laboratory includes gravimetric, titrimetric, kinetic, potentiometric, and spectroscopic techniques. Prerequisite: C or higher in 121.

Three hours lecture per week. A study of how energy interacts with and is transformed in chemical and biological systems. Topics include kinetic energy of molecules, thermodynamics, equilibrium, enzyme kinetics, spectroscopy and quantum properties. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in 121.

Three hours lecture per week. Investigation of the molecules and chemical reactions of life. Chemical principles are used to explore biology at the molecular level with an emphasis on biochemical and physiological basis of nutrition. Prerequisites: C or higher in 140 and BIOL 296; or C or higher in 240. (Equivalent to BIOL 305.)

Independent reading and/or research under the guidance of a chemistry faculty member. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. Independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.

Courses on topics of interest to chemistry students offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Prerequisites as determined by the instructor. Restricted to students with freshman or sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.

Three hours lecture/three hours lab per week. The chemistry of organic compounds in terms of the principles that govern their behavior and account for their properties. Topics consist of reaction mechanisms including regioselectivity, conformational analysis, stereochemistry, and spectroscopy of organic molecules. The laboratory emphasizes best practices in notebook writing. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in 121.

One hour lecture per week. Introduction to diverse careers in the sciences, including healthcare professions. This includes learning about graduate school, pre-professional programs (like medical school), and area businesses/organizations that hire scientists. Students will participate in job shadowing experiences, spend time learning about application processes (of all types), and complete an individual assessment of what is required to achieve career goals. Restricted to students with sophomore or junior standing. (Equal to BIOL-212.)

In the field of science, objectivity, facts, and data are core to our identity as scientists. However, in our current cultural context there is a growing claim that all knowledge is biased and influenced by a myriad of overt and covert agendas. While a minority of people in our current culture maliciously use information as means to change or control others (with no regard for what actually is true), many have long in good faith questioned whether true objectivity is even possible.

Three hours lecture/two hours lab per week. The chemistry of organic compounds: functional groups, types of reactions, stereochemistry, and selected reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in 106 or 120.

Three hours lecture/three hours lab per week. A continuation of 120. Topics include physical properties of solutions, chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium including acid-base, hydrolysis, solubility, and complex ion, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Prerequisite: C or higher in 120.