2024 Distinguished Alumni Award Winner Rehman Eon ’15

Friday, August 16, 2024

College of Engineering, Letters, and Sciences Rising Professional

Rehman Eon ’15 is a research engineer II at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, NY, where he serves as the principal investigator (PI) on multiple projects in environmental remote sensing.

He is a member of the Landsat calibration and validation team for Landsat missions eight and nine for NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Rehman is also part of the NASA science group, where he is responsible for the development and design of Landsat 10, scheduled to be launched in 2032.

Rehman Eon ’15
Rehman Eon ’15

“My focus is on designing and developing algorithms for satellite-based imaging sensors used in earth observation,” he explained.

His interests in research and academics were the inspirations behind his career goal of conducting scientific research. Eon’s academic concentrations laid the foundation for his current role.

Eon is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics and Chemistry from Viterbo in 2015. He pursued his PhD in Imaging Science from RIT, earning that in 2019.

Eon credits Viterbo for the foundations and research experience that shaped his career, allowing him to contribute to projects related to different satellite missions and other aspects in environmental remote sensing. “The rigorous academic environment prepared me well for advanced studies and set me on my current career path.”

He reflected on Viterbo’s strong, supportive community and personalized attention that encouraged a deeper understanding of course material and helped to establish meaningful relationships. “I was encouraged to pursue academic excellence and develop a strong ethical framework which has been invaluable in my professional life."

Eon’s interest in teaching was one unexpected twist he had not planned for. “I now teach classes in digital image processing and programming,” he said. “The joy of seeing students grasp complex concepts and the opportunity to inspire the next generation of researchers has been incredibly fulfilling.”

His passion for teaching meant that Eon did not pursue opportunities in the industry or with government agencies. He explained how the supportive culture he experienced at Viterbo was one guiding factor in his decision. He shared how he values community and mentorship, along with meaningful collaborations. “Embracing teaching and valuing the academic community have significantly enriched my career and aligned perfectly with the principles I cherished during my time at Viterbo.”

He offered his story of his unexpected path as advice to Viterbo students. “Remember, it is OK not to have your life completely figured out.” Eon encouraged students to embrace the journey and appreciate experiences along the way. “The destination is not the most important part.” He emphasized the importance of reaching out for help and building meaningful connections with peers and professors.

Speaking of professors, Eon named Dorothy Lenard, Anthony Gerig, and Tammy Clark as some of his favorites. During his time on campus, Eon was involved with the rugby and DNA clubs.

Eon was awarded the NASA RHG-Exceptional Achievement for Science to the Landsat Calibration and Validation Team. The award recognized outstanding Calibration and Validation efforts supporting the Fall 2021 launch of the Landsat-9 OLI and TIRS instruments and helping to preserve Landsat data continuity.

“Receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award is an immense honor and a source of great pride for me,” Eon said. “This recognition validates the dedication and effort I have put into my career and personal development, embodying the core values I learned at Viterbo.” Eon went on to say that the award provides a platform in which to share his journey and experiences with others, especially students.

He concluded, “The combination of maintaining meaningful personal relationships and contributing to the academic and professional growth of others has been the most fulfilling part of my journey. It embodies the holistic approach to life and work that I value deeply, which was greatly influenced by my time at Viterbo and the core values it instilled.”

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