Matt Jurvelin is the assistant dean of student community, overseeing the areas of residence life, student orientation and engagement, and dining services. Jurvelin has spent more than 20 years in higher education in support of students and was excited to join the Viterbo family in July 2022.
Graduating high school in Markesan, a small rural community of about 1,400 people in Green Lake County in south-central Wisconsin, Jurvelin was not sure if work, tech school, or university was next. As it turned out, he found himself a couple of hours away attending the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse as a new first-generation student, declaring an early childhood education major and seeking a preK-3 and special education licensure.
Having had many ups and downs and major changes as he worked towards his undergraduate degree, Jurvelin gained an appreciation and respect for those who worked so hard on campus to help him find success and helped him persist in his pursuit of a degree. Eventually, armed with history and political science majors, a geography minor, 155 credits (including a twelve credit political science internship), five years and a summer of school as a student, Jurvelin eventually checked the box that showed he could be awarded a four-year college degree.
Given the road he had traveled and all he had learned during his undergraduate experience, Jurvelin felt that if he could earn a degree, anyone could. Knowing not all students who got into college were able to successfully graduate, he found himself discovering a career where he could help others navigate the complex path of being a college student. He entered and completed a master’s degree program at UW-L, further preparing him to fulfill his passion to do just that.
This journey brought Jurvelin to Viterbo University, where he intends to settle and be for the duration of his career. As assistant dean of student community, he loves hearing from parents about ways he can help students and others have the best experience possible at Viterbo.
How long have you worked at Viterbo?
I began in July 2022, so I am working through my first full academic year at Viterbo! The assistant dean role I am in is newly created so I am excited to see how I can help positively influence the student experience through the areas in which I work. The opportunity to oversee the areas that provide food, shelter, entertainment, engagement, and create spaces to help students strive and thrive, and so much more…well, I don’t take the job lightly and I am proud to serve in this capacity.
I lived in La Crosse from 1990-2002, so it is great to be back after 20 years away! While I may be new to Viterbo, I have long felt connected. My mother-in-law is a Viterbo alum, and all three of her sisters are, too, two of whom are FSPA Sisters.
Areas of expertise?
I started in academic advising at my alma mater, UW-L, and that area certainly was my first love. After leaving for UW-Whitewater to help launch the Academic Advising & Exploration Center, multiple opportunities arose presenting me with chances to oversee student services and enrollment on three other campuses. The breadth and depth of experience developed over the past 20-plus years across two- and four-year campuses, public and private, in-state and out, will help inform my efforts as assistant dean here at Viterbo. It is my hope the perspective and experience gained in the diverse settings I have worked will allow me to serve students at a high level as I seek to continue to provide a terrific environment for Viterbo students to live, learn, and grow as we prepare them for faithful service and ethical leadership.
What do you love most about working at Viterbo?
The people. The values—contemplation, hospitality, integrity, service, stewardship—I love seeing these values lived out every day across campus and in the greater community. Working on behalf of students and getting to build environments across campus that help students develop and have fun could be the best job in the world. I am really excited to continue to build relationships that will advance the supports and initiatives we provide Viterbo students, all to help make it the very best experience possible.
What inspires you?
Students. My colleagues. Family. So many things. I was a TRIO student, a first-generation student with limited financial means and was very fortunate to have access to supports that put me in the best position possible to find success and persist in college. I couldn’t have done it without the help of so many others that gave of themselves to help me.
I have dedicated my career to providing ways to improve access and success for students in a university setting. I reflect regularly on how important others were in my success and every day brings more memories and stories, allowing me to continually draw inspiration and motivating me to appreciate every moment in working with students as they seek to successfully navigate their higher education experience. I feel so fortunate to be here with at Viterbo University.
What others say about you?
As someone who officiates youth, high school, and college sports and has been doing so for more than 30 years, I have had many people adamantly share their opinions and vocally articulate, repeatedly, what they think of me. I am not comfortable sharing in this space all that others have passionately screamed in those spaces where I served as a referee or umpire.
However, those same individuals could not deny they saw a positive attitude, good work ethic and hustle, a thoughtful communicator, and someone consistently wearing a smile. Those with whom I engage in the university setting would likely also use similar descriptions when describing me.